Wild Wednesday

Wild Wednesday is about all the crazy or unbelievable things that have happened in the last week to me, in the news, pop culture, etc.

Since last Wednesday here is what has happened:

  • P actually slept in her pack ‘n’ play part of the night last night. B rigged it with noodles under the sheet so she would feel like she is still being cradled and elevated the mattress. It worked for half the night and then she was not having it. I will take a half a night and go from there.
  • I painted my toes orange and put a spider web and spider on my nails.  I also made my fingernails look like candy corn.  I would never of had yellow, orange, or black fingernail polishes if I didn’t subscribe to subscription boxes.

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  • P totally loves to cuddle with her Papa. She definitely knows the difference because when he holds her she nuzzles right into his neck and rubs against his beard. It is the cutest thing ever. He is still sore from his accident so the holding has been kept to a minimum. Sometimes I will hold her up to him so she can nuzzle his neck.

He had just shaved it in this picture but she still nuzzles him. He now has a beard.

  • S wore a gray thermal shirt to school today. It was plain with no graphics and he looked so cute in it. When he got home from school I told him how cute he was. He looked down at his shirt and then tried to look at the back. He asked me if it was plain and I said yes. He had a complete meltdown and was on the floor throwing a fit. He said he didn’t want to wear it and needed a shirt with a picture on it. He asked if we could donate the thermal because he was never going to wear it again. What a little drama king!
  • We made the Smurf cake on Saturday and it turned out great. S loved it and was so happy to take it to the party with us!
(No picture available because I was taking pictures with my camera and forgot to put the SD card back in it.  Total bummer!)
  • I can’t believe I totally forgot to write about this. Neezer brought another LIVE vole into the house again. Saturday night I was watching TV and heard a weird cackling noise. I wasn’t sure if it was on the TV or not so I hit mute. I still heard the noise and knew exactly what it was. I started yelling for B, and of course he doesn’t answer. There was no way I was moving so I called B on his cell phone, told him to grab some gloves, and get upstairs as fast as possible. I still had not seen what was making the noise, but from past experiences I knew. B tried to grab the vole from Neezer who finally let it go half dead. Derby went crazy and grabbed it. She refused to let it go for B. When B finally shook it free from Derby, let’s just say it had a great life. No matter how old Neezer gets he is still the best hunter ever.

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Disclaimer: I have never claimed to be any great writer. So any mistakes that are made are my fault. Sometimes I mix up names B, S, and P, but I think you can figure out who I am talking about. If you find any grammatical errors just fix it in your mind so it sounds right.