Wild Wednesday

Wild Wednesday is about all the crazy or unbelievable things that have happened in the last week to me, in the news, pop culture, etc.

Since last Wednesday here is what has happened:

  • I wonder if Gwyneth and Chris are separating because she wanted a music career and that was stepping on his toes.  Think about it, she made a movie about singing (Country Strong), appeared on Glee how many times, and then had to be part of a singing act for her kid’s school with Chris.  I’m just saying that maybe he didn’t like sharing the singing stardom.  We haven’t seen Chris act in any movies or TV shows have we?
gwyneth paltrow split chris martin

Image credit: Perez Hilton

  • This baby has been having such strong movements that I actually was recording some.  You can see parts of the baby just moving along my stomach.  It has always been disturbing to me when you can see the baby actually moving inside a pregnant belly (mine or anyone else’s).  It reminds me of the part in the movie Spaceballs when the alien bust out of the guys stomach in the diner.  If I am going to tape this I really would like to be one of those people that get a picture of a hand or foot impression sticking out of the belly.  That would be awesome and make it all worthwhile.
  • Yesterday, B and I were going to run some errands, but neither one of us could manage to get up.  Literally, between the two of us we slept until after 2 pm.  Where was S during this time you may ask?  I would get up from time to time with him or he would come lay in bed with us and play or watch TV.
  • A few weeks ago, S and I decorated for Easter.  He has been all about gel clings and gets that they need to go on the window and not the ground.  If they are covered in dog hair we have to throw them out.  I gave him the Easter gel clings that said “Happy Easter” and had some eggs.  He called me over to the window and asked for some help.  When I went to check out what he was doing, he had “S A    Y E R” on the window.  I told him that he got the letters out of order and he put me in my place telling me he was spelling his name not Happy Easter.  When he told me he couldn’t find a “W” I told him let’s take an E and turn it sideways.  He was all about that and so proud of himself for spelling his name out of Happy Easter.  S ran to find B and show him what he had done.  B was just as impressed as I was with him spelling his names out of gel clings.  We never did spell Happy Easter and still have SAWYER on the window above the eggs.



  • Leslie says:

    Haha, imagining a baby ripping through your {or anyone’s} tummy gave me a mental picture…then I got scared, haha. Congratulations! How cool he can spell his name out. I hope he’s excited to be a big brother.

  • Stephanie says:

    I think right now he is excited to be a big brother, I don’t think he will be once the time comes. He is going to have to share mommy and is not about that.

Disclaimer: I have never claimed to be any great writer. So any mistakes that are made are my fault. Sometimes I mix up names B, S, and P, but I think you can figure out who I am talking about. If you find any grammatical errors just fix it in your mind so it sounds right.