Wild Wednesday is about all the crazy or unbelievable things that have happened in the last week to me, in the news, pop culture, etc.
Since last Wednesday here is what has happened:
- P lost her second top tooth. She now no longer has two front teeth or two bottom teeth. One of her bottom teeth has start to come in but she basically has a huge gap in the front of her mouth. Everything has to be cut up because obviously she cannot bite anything.

- Target did something it has never done before. Last Tuesday the Valentine clearance went 70% and then it surprised everyone that the Valentine clearance went 90% on Wednesday. I happily found out at 8:10am so I was able to get to Target and shop before anyone else found out!

- I started watching Schitt’s Creek on Netflix. There are 5 season available. It is totally my sense of humor. The episodes are only a half hour long and 20 minutes when there are no commercials. I actually finished all 5 season today and now have to either wait for the sixth season to come out on Netflix or watch it on PopTV now. I started DVR’ing the episodes.

- We were forecasted to get a bunch of snow in the early morning hours and potentially not have school today. We got a little snow, but tonight it is really coming down and sticking to the streets. We may not have school tomorrow. The roads sucked tonight just coming home from a block away.