Disclaimer: I received this product for free or highly discounted in exchange for an honest review. All thoughts and opinions expressed are mine.

I have always been an avid crafter and when washi tape started to become popular and also fell in love with using it. I have used it many different ways. When I have sent out holiday cards of the kids, scrapbooking, decorating my planner, adding a little extra to some of P’s folders, and putting collars on quite a few stuffed animals. The two sets of tape are a great variety to use.
The United Tapes Decorative Craft Washi Tape Set of 12, has 12 different designs with each spool being 32.8 ft. long. While like it may seem like a lot you’re right it is a lot and is going to make it through quite a few different craft projects. The United Decorative Craft Washi Tape Set of 20, has more designs then the set of 12 but the length of this is set is only 16.4 ft long for each roll. So only about half of what is in each of the rolls in the other set.
I decided to create a To Do List for myself that I could add to and redo each week. I thought this would be great to keep track of what I needed to do and what I wanted to get done, i.e. organizing P’s bedroom, purge toys that are no longer played with, read a book, and more. I started with a blank piece of paper and drew on some lines with a pencil.

I used the pencil lines as a guide for the tape to keep them somewhat straight.

I decided to color coordinate the days of the week with the tape. It didn’t work out so well with the yellow marker so I had to outline the words with a black pen. I was actually pretty happy with the final results.

In order to use this weekly I would need to be able to use dry erase markers. I didn’t have a way to laminate the paper so I did a little hunting and found a board I used to use when teaching the kids to write. I was able to insert the paper and write on the clear cover with dry erase markers so I could continue to use the To Do List sheet weekly.

The United Tapes Decorative Craft Washi Tape Set of 12 is $15.99 and Set of 20 is $14.99 on Amazon.com. Click here to order the set of 12 or here to order the set of 20 United Tapes Decorative Craft Washi Tape.
I was chosen to review the United Tapes Decorative Craft Washi Tape on Tomoson.com. Basically how it works is you select items you would like to review and if they chose you, the product is purchased through Amazon.com. If you have a Prime Account with Amazon shipping is free and a coupon code is provided from the company making the product free or highly discounted. In exchange they are looking for an honest review on their product.