Troubled Tuesday

Troubled Tuesday is basically my complaint day to complain about all the troubles I have, which could range from what is happening on TV shows to who knows what. 

  • I was reading MSN News and saw an article that hit me hard.  Here is a link to the article:

It is not my exact story but it sums up how much it sucks to have a mom that is still alive and chose not to be a part of my life anymore.  Do I want her in my life anymore?  The honest answer is no.  I think that I am happier and healthier without her but it still hurts.  My daughter, P, does not even remember her and now that she is 4 she has lots of questions.  “Do you have a mama? Why is she not here?  Where is she?”  Of course there are more but here are the 3 most often asked.  My answers are honest and as simple as possible to a 4-year-old.  Yes I have a mom, she chose to leave and live without us, and I’m not sure where she lives.  I haven’t written or talked about my mom leaving in a few years, but it is really felt when it comes to the holidays.

  • B always manages to start projects at the most inopportune times.  I was baking cookies on Sunday.  I was at the point of finishing the baking and wanted to start cleaning up the mess (I am pretty messy with flour!) when B decided it was time to take the kitchen sink apart.  Really right when I am trying to clean up my mess.  I convinced him to hold off for an hour and let me finish.   But why did it have to be right in the middle of when I was working in the kitchen.  It always works out like that.  B only wants to fix or do something exactly where I am working on something else totally different.
  • I ordered some Crossy Road blind boxes from Amazon that should have been delivered today.  Well I got an email today saying we wouldn’t get them till Friday.  That is kind of a problem because Chippy has been bringing Disney Crossy Road characters every day if S is good.  We do not have enough for the entire 24 days, so I needed a few more to get to the end of the advent calendar and to find Disney Crossy Roads is impossible because they don’t make them anymore.  When I contacted Amazon asking for an additional month of Amazon Prime for free because my purchase was not delivered as promised.  They did away with the additional month if your package is not delivered when promised, but they did give me a $5 promo credit which is better than nothing. 

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Disclaimer: I have never claimed to be any great writer. So any mistakes that are made are my fault. Sometimes I mix up names B, S, and P, but I think you can figure out who I am talking about. If you find any grammatical errors just fix it in your mind so it sounds right.