Troubled Tuesday is basically my complaint day to complain about all the troubles I have, which could range from what is happening on TV shows to who knows what.
- Yesterday was one crazy day. I kept P home from school and made her a doctor’s appointment. That was at 9:30am and we finally left at 11:45am. The doctor’s office was running on time P was just that sick and we didn’t realize it. She was diagnosed with walking pneumonia. We got a script for antibiotics and they did a pulse-ox on P and she was at 92%. They said they don’t like to let them leave the office below 94%. So they gave her a breathing treatment and checked her oxygen levels again.
She was down to 88% and she now had a fever (she didn’t when we got there). They were a little stumped. We hung out for another 15 minutes. They rechecked it and it was at 89%. Anything below 90% and they want to send you to the ER and potentially get checked into the hospital. I was trying to avoid it at any cost. They agreed if I took her to get x-rays and if they came back bad I would take her to the hospital.
If they were okay then I would come back again today for a recheck. We then walked over to the hospital wing and P got x-rays. She did great and was a really brave girl. P had to wear a mask because she had a fever and absolutely hated it and would not keep it on.
By the time we got home we already had the results and she was okay and we could do a recheck today at the doctor’s. S also has a doctor appointment today to see if he has walking pneumonia. I have a pretty strong feeling that he does because he has been coughing more and does it continuously throughout the night.
- I made myself a doctor appointment in the afternoon to have my doctor check the pain in my ribs. It has progressively gotten worse over the past two week and I cannot take it anymore. I thought the cartilage might have separated from my rib and that was the pain. Nope she is pretty sure I cracked a rib coughing so hard. Seriously I get vertigo and a potential cracked rib? I left the doctor office and went for x-rays. I had a bunch done to check everything just in case it isn’t a rib. Well I asked to look at my x-rays and asked what that line is. Of course, he can’t give me the answer but it looked like a crack going through my rib to me. I wish I had taken a picture of it like I did with P. I am hoping to get a copy of the image for myself. To me it looks like a cracked rib will be the diagnosis but I have to wait for the official word from the doctor. What is the treatment for that? Nothing just time to let it heal. Darn this stupid coughing.
- My doctor was joking with me and asked if I should have gotten the surgery on my throat and all of the injuries to me could have been avoided. All because of the cyst that ruptured on my thyroid back in February and left scar tissue on my vocal cords. I still don’t think the surgery would have been worth it to avoid all of this. That is a super-serious surgery and I don’t want it if it is not totally necessary. (Which at this point is not.)