Troubled Tuesday is basically my complaint day to complain about all the troubles I have, which could range from what is happening on TV shows to who knows what.
- I was watching Yellowstone season finale last Wednesday and was caught off guard with the nudity. Yellowstone is on Paramount Network TV station, like TBS or TNT so I figured is regular cable. Boy was I surprised when all of a sudden they were showing naked breast on the show. Not like a slip but again and again. Since when did they start showing that much nudity on cable? I know they do on premium channels like Showtime and HBO, but this was regular cable at 10pm. I can only imagine what kind of trouble I would get in if S was older and asked to watch this show with a friend. I would have let him because it is about cowboys in Montana in this day and age. Never would I have thought I had to worry about nudity. If someone knows when they changed this please clue me in.
- I cannot believe how sensitive I have gotten over the years to light. My laptop is set at the darkest setting and is still way too bright for me. My phone is on a dim setting and in the dark it is way too much. I can’t watch the TV at night unless I have a lamp on to help diminish some of the brightness from the TV. The overhead lights in the kitchen and living room are too much for me and I only use a small lamp. Sunglasses are a must anytime I go outside unless it is dark. I prefer the old twinkle lights on Christmas trees to the new LED lights. They are way too bright for me. I really think even though LED lights are more efficient they are too clear and bright for my eyes. I can’t even get a TV or a lightbulb that is not LED anymore. It totally sucks.
- Does anyone else watch Castle Rock on Hulu? It is so weird, but a good weird. I cannot wait for the next episode to come out just so I can see what is going to happen next. I can’t even tell you what it is really about because I cannot figure it out. The only thing I know is there is a lawyer who comes back to his hometown (which is rundown), so help an inmate at Shawshank Prison. Everything else is hard to describe.
What is troubling you?