Troubled Tuesday is basically my complaint day to complain about all the troubles I have, which could range from what is happening on TV shows to who knows what.
- This rain we have had the past week and will have the rest of this week is crazy. It has really put a cramp on getting the pool area prepped for concrete. The sooner that gets done the faster we can swim.
- I have been working on making P’s birthday cake and got thrown for a loop. She wants Frozen but there is no way I can make Elsa’s face and have it look like her. I think I am going to have to put little characters on the cake. This would be the first time I have ever taken the easy way out when it comes to decorating cakes. I did however make my first ice cream cake so there’s that.
- B and I have a heck of a time with our backs and sleeping on our mattress. We had a mattress, foam mattress, and feather bed. It worked for a few years and now it is no longer working so we are experimenting and have currently only the mattress and feather bed. I will update next week with what we have tried if this doesn’t work.
- Although we have a tiny backyard currently due to all the dirt I am still hoping we can have P’s family birthday party in the backyard.