Troubled Tuesdays is basically my complaint day to complain about all of the troubles I have, which could range from what is happening on TV shows to who knows what.
- When we went to my Uncle F last weekend, B spent hours digging up and finding rocks to bring home. What the heck is he going to do with all these rocks?
- Sunday we went out on Lake Erie to go see Turtle Island. I could not believe what the water looked like. It was disgusting. I have never seen water so green from algae. This water has never been like this before and now there is no way I would even stick my feet in it. I am betting it would stain your clothes, but would it stain your skin?
- Derby has a sore on her back. She has to wear one of S’s t-shirts so she doesn’t irritate the spot anymore. She looks so cute, but the minute you take it off she is right back to licking. I thought the t-shirt would be better than having to wear a cone. Go figure this spot got really bad on Saturday and the vets office is closed until today. No way was I taking her to an emergency vet for this, hence the t-shirt.
- I really wish we got mail yesterday. I miss getting the mail. I love to go out to the mailbox every day just to see what I may get. Today I am hoping for a really full box.
- Speaking of mail, I have a huge stack sitting on the desk that I need to open. Most of it is junk mail, but I still have to go through all of it just in case.
What is troubling you?