Troubled Tuesday is basically my complaint day to complain about all the troubles I have, which could range from what is happening on TV shows to who knows what.
- I cannot believe that P is still sick. She is coughing up a storm and now waking up between 5-6am. Ugh, when she gets up that early that means I am getting up that early. When we get that up early, it means S is getting up early, too.
- I ordered a ton of stuff from Old Navy this week. There was a deal and I just got what I wanted. I figured I could return whatever didn’t fit or I didn’t like. I even got a few pieces for P.
- I have been spending money like crazy lately. It just seems that money is going out the door fast and furious. I have to reign it in (which I will at the end of the month)! After all the Christmas clearance and toy clearance at Target.
- I cannot believe that we still do not have our foot stool for the new couch. It feels like we have had the couch for ever (only 2 weeks) and I am missing that foot stool.
- P still refuses to pee on the potty. She will wake up with a dry diaper and when I put her on the potty she just can’t go. If only there was a trick to making her relax and go. Anyone have any ideas?