Troubled Tuesdays is basically my complaint day to complain about all of the troubles I have, which could range from what is happening on TV shows to who knows what.
- I love a good thunderstorm, but all the rain is crazy. It is like we are living in Florida or Hawaii where they get a daily rainstorm, problem is we live in Ohio. The only benefit is our water bill is down because we have not had to water our garden daily.
- Why is it that when you bake or cook something your kitchen has to turn into a total mess. To pick up the mess from baking the sink gets full of dirty dishes. I wish you could bake, have something great to eat, and not have to pick up the kitchen when you are done.
- I steamed broccoli to blend and freeze for S’s smoothies in the winter. I cannot stand the smell of broccoli, raw or cooked. The house smelled so bad I had to turn off the air conditioner and open all the windows. What I won’t do to have S eat healthy.
- I am a little behind on posting my recent Target purchases, and need to post two more of them. I also have quite a few postings to put up about the fruits and veggies I have frozen, and the pickles B has canned.
What is troubling you?