Troubled Tuesday

Troubled Tuesday is basically my complaint day to complain about all the troubles I have, which could range from what is happening on TV shows to who knows what.

  • Ever since I downloaded Windows 10, I have the hardest time seeing the screen, but not all the time. Sometimes it is totally fine, and other times it is so light and bright I can barely read some of the fonts. It makes working on the computer so much fun (insert sarcasm). Of course, I go to show B and the screen goes back to working normal so I look like the crazy one.
  • It’s 2:30 am and I am still working on my Manic Monday post and have not started finished this post either.
  • I seriously have over 100 reviews that need to be done in the next 30 days. It got so easy to fall behind on the reviews. On average I get about 3-5 things a day. If the kids don’t give me time during the day (P’s afternoon nap) or go to bed early enough at night I am only able to get 1 or 2 done. Then there are those times when I have to pay bills or clean something instead of working on reviews. If only I didn’t get distracted by the TV.
  • It’s kind of a thing that we have the kids be a chicken after I fell in love with the costume and got my sister on board to make my niece a chicken. Then her next one was a chicken, too. I tried to get S to be a chicken but he hated the costume. I pictures of him in the costume but he is crying like crazy. I was going to have P be the chicken but found this costume last year and I love it. Now do I have her be the chicken or a lobster?

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What is troubling you?

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Disclaimer: I have never claimed to be any great writer. So any mistakes that are made are my fault. Sometimes I mix up names B, S, and P, but I think you can figure out who I am talking about. If you find any grammatical errors just fix it in your mind so it sounds right.