Troubled Tuesdays is basically my complaint day to complain about all the troubles I have, which could range from what is happening on TV shows to who knows what.
- I have no idea but the internet has been super slow lately. AT&T came last month and installed another line so it would be faster, but I haven’t noticed a difference. I still think it makes a difference with how many people on our street are on the internet at the same time. When everyone is at work and in school the internet is super-fast. As the kids get home from school it slows down, and when others get home from work it barely crawls. The only time the internet moves is late at night and during the day when I have to lie down with P for her naps.
- I have every intention when I get up in the morning to work on blog posts and reviews all day. I usually don’t even get a chance to crack open my laptop until after the kids both have gone to bed and I took some time to decompress. I need more hours in the day so I can get everything done and still get 8-10 hours of sleep at night.
- S got a toy from a friend’s garage sale. He loves it. It’s a happy meal toy. If I gave S happy meals he would have a ton of them. Sadly, S does not get fast food so he doesn’t even know what he is missing in getting those toys.
- P learned how to crawl up on top of the train table. She thinks she is something special now and crawls up there to watch TV. She is so cute to watch. Now if I could get her to stop climbing up on the couches and jumping. The things she learns from her brother.
- I have been watching Big Brother and cannot believe all of the different characters that they cast this year. I am thinking about doing a TV Talk Tuesday solely dedicated to the cast of Big Brother. It seems to be one crazy bunch.
- Why am I still sitting up writing this instead of going to bed and getting sleep?
What is troubling you?