Troubled Tuesdays is basically my complaint day to complain about all the troubles I have, which could range from what is happening on TV shows to who knows what.
- S is having a playdate today and I am totally hoping for nice weather so they can play outside. While my house is not terrible, it is not clean either. There are baby toys everywhere, clothes that P outgrew in containers that need to go to the basement, dishes that need to go in the dishwasher, etc. I could go on and on with the list but you get the idea.
- I switched P from playing S’s night-night song “Need You Now” by Lady Antebellum to ocean noise. She doesn’t really care about the song or music just likes it when I shush her the song. When you shush P that is what calms her down and gets her to fall asleep. The ocean noise from a sound machine is the closest thing I can find to the shushing sound. It seems to be working so far. Why didn’t I try this sooner? It could have been better sleep for both of us.
- We pushed off the garage sale to sometime in July. I am ready to get rid of all of this baby stuff that we no longer need and want it done now. Unfortunately, B is not ready to use the garage, I do not have everything ready, and our neighbor is not finding out what she is having until the night before I wanted to have the garage sale. I am still selling stuff like crazy on the Facebook Garage Sale Group.
- I got the Babyganics Daily SPF Lotion in the mail yesterday. I was excited to get it. I read quite a few reviews before I bought it and most was positive. Some said the lotion which is fragrance-free had a scent that reminded them of black pepper. When I tried it I liked the lotion, but it totally smells like black pepper. I wonder if I can add lavender oil to it or something because I really don’t want kids who smell like pepper all the time. How strange would that be?
- OITNB came out last week and I still haven’t had a chance to watch any episodes. S is too old for me to watch it when he is around and after they go to sleep I try to work on the computer. I know if I watch OITNB after the kids go to bed, I would accomplish nothing and probably stay up all night watching the entire season.
What is troubling you?
They are calling for 100 here today so we are doing playgroup at chik fila. LOL That is even too hot to think about going to the pool. 😉 Don’t you hate when the kids get too old to watch what you want whenever you want? I’d love to watch Games of Thrones and everyone raves on it but since I can’t watch that with the kids around and like you I’m busy at night so not sure when I can work it in. Of course there is the other side too where you kid is finally old enough to enjoy a show you like. About halfway through the season N decided he really liked the Flash so it is now a show we can watch together. That was kindof exciting.