Target 90% Christmas Clearance Finds-Round 5 of 6

I couldn’t help myself after seeing what others were finding at their Targets I was itching to go back to our Target for another look.  B was nice enough to say go ahead.  With the okay I went back to Target, kids free.  I didn’t think I would be able to find much, but I was totally wrong.  I found all of this and spent another $23.06, but I saved $160.86.

Perrysburg PM visit

Perrysburg PM visit

  • I saw others were finding Frozen shirts for 90% off, so I scanned each style in the toddler section.  This was the only shirt that rang up 90% off at $1.  I got one in each size and left 3 more on the rack because do I really need 3 5T’s (nope!).  I found letters that happen to match the ones I bought for the kids and they are B’s and my letter.  I found one more wine size gift bag.  Since I found all those Barbies at the other store I knew I would need this size bag for them.  It was the only one left and only $.20.


  • I was walking up and down the aisles and found these window clings in the card section.  I got all the snowflakes they had (14) because we can use them now with our snowflake and snowman decorations we put up for January.  They were only $.20 each.  I also got two snowmen, one owl and two candy cane window clings.  They were also only $.20 each.


  • When I came to this store in the morning I really refrained from buying all the tape and only got 7.  Well when I went back on Sunday night the display was still there and no one had even touched it.  So what did I do, I bought the rest of the tape.  How many you ask? 22 and they were only $.40 each so for $8.80 I got all this tape.  These retailed for $4 a piece so I would have only gotten two of them before Christmas.  I know I never need to buy tape again because this is going to last me a lifetime.  I was thinking about making wrapping kits (like sewing kits) for next Christmas.  Each one could come in something like a tackle box and have the necessities: tape, scissors, gift tags, pens, ribbon, etc.  I have to think about this one.  The gift tags I could make with my Cricut, scissors I can find on clearance during back-to-school and so forth.


  • B wants to be in the Christmas lights parade in Maumee next year so I bought 10 boxes of mini candy canes.  Each box has 60 so that would be 600 total.  I hope it will be enough.  Each box was $.74.


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Disclaimer: I have never claimed to be any great writer. So any mistakes that are made are my fault. Sometimes I mix up names B, S, and P, but I think you can figure out who I am talking about. If you find any grammatical errors just fix it in your mind so it sounds right.