When I came home from the first store P was up from her nap and they were eating popcorn. I convinced S and P to take their popcorn with them and we would go to one maybe two Targets. They obliged. P is just happy to go bye-bye and S usually needs some kind of bribe. We went to Alexis Rd. and only got two different items. I spent $21.11 and got all of this.
- I know you won’t believe it but they have over 100 of the Lego Friend sets. They are everywhere. I refrained myself and only got 12, but if they go 90% I will get each and everyone I can find. For $.34 a piece I could donate them and make many kids happy for next Christmas. I got these for $1.19 each.
- I found 6 more balloon ornaments ($.90 each) and I got a green one. I didn’t know there was green!
P was pretty good in this store because she had popcorn. I also strapped her in so she couldn’t get out of the cart. S said he would go to one more Target so we were off to the next.