Snail Mail Sunday

Here are all of the free items I received in the mail this past week.  This year I am not going to seek every single freebie that is out there, instead I am going to try and get freebies that I or someone in my family would use or full size products.  For example, I would want trial/travel size items, but not the tiny sample they send on a cardboard.


  • Magazines-US Weekly, Watch
  • Peet’s Coffee-2 K-cups, Major Dickinson’s Blend & Café Domingo
  • Tide Zap! Cap-This cap has bristle brushes on the top.  The information card says to rub some detergent on the stain and then by using the cap bristles it is supposed to get out 99% of the stains.
  • Black & Mild Coupons-I got these two coupons but they are going straight in the trash.
  • because I said I would Business Cards-I received 10 business cards.  On the cards you are supposed to write something and then follow through with it.  For example, “I will sit with someone at lunch that I see eating by themselves,” or “I will say hi to someone new every day.”
  • Fiber One Assorted Fruit Snacks-This is an empty wrapper because S and I tried them right away.  It also came with a $.50 coupon.

It was a little slow this week with freebies.  I read the US Weekly right away because I wanted to see what was going on with the original Teen Mom’s.  They actually might get another show without Farrah.  The Peet’s Coffee K-cups are going to my neighbor, the Tide cap went down next to the washer, the Black & Mild coupons went in the recycling, the cards I will use and we ate the fruit snacks right away.  Another week that nothing will go in the giveaway box for my local breadbasket donation.

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Disclaimer: I have never claimed to be any great writer. So any mistakes that are made are my fault. Sometimes I mix up names B, S, and P, but I think you can figure out who I am talking about. If you find any grammatical errors just fix it in your mind so it sounds right.