I want to tell you what we are doing right at the moment that I take the picture, whether it is at 1am or 1pm on Sunday. Just a quick snapshot into a day in our lives.
It is 11:26am
I made the kids come outside and play because I knew it was going to rain and I wanted them outside for as long as possible.
P really wanted to swim but it was only 64° so I convinced her to see if B would get out a swing for her. Since we got the concrete we took the swings down because we were worried but I gave in. B hung up her swing for her and she was ecstatic.
S really wanted something to swing on, too. B got out his jumper swing. He loves to jump on it. The only condition we gave was he had to control it and not hit the concrete when he was jumping. (He used to hit the ground all the time.)
I am sitting in my hammock swing making rosaries. I am almost done with my second batch of 50. I will probably turn them in on Tuesday and get more.
B is working on getting the ground ready for sod on Tuesday. Another step toward getting the backyard done and back to a semi-normal.