I want to tell you what we are doing right at the moment that I take the picture, whether it is at 1am or 1pm on Sunday. Just a quick snapshot into a day in our lives.
It is 6:18pm
P is working on her Turkey Tom disguise. She decided she wanted to make the turkey look like Elsa so I did my best to try and figure something out. This is what we came up with together. I did the braid and printed the Elsa face for her, but she did all the cutting, gluing and glittering on the page.
S had his tablet taken away for the weekend so he has been busy doing different stuff. He is currently working on putting a Lego set together. He doesn’t usually put Lego kits together anymore, but once in a while he will surprise me.
I am helping P with her turkey disguise.
B is working on making me a display in the garage for Christmas decorations.