Piper 11 Month Update

Piper 11 Month Update (March 17, 2015-April 16, 2015)

Every month of Piper’s first year I will do a monthly update along with showing her pictures I get done every month.


Current Weight: 19 lbs 4 oz

Weight last month: 20.5 lbs

Current Length: 28 in

Length last month:  27 ½ in

P got her sixth and seventh tooth this month.  She now has four on top and three on the bottom.  We had lots of first this month.  P rode in the backpack at her great aunt and uncles when they were having an auction at their old house.  It was cold out and she was bundled up, but loved being in the backpack.  P also got to go to the new aquarium at the zoo to look at all the fish.   P and S had terrible colds this past month and I took them to the doctors.  They both were diagnosed with sinus infections and she got her first prescription for amoxicillin.


We also had Easter this past month.  P loved doing the egg hunts.  I think she liked banging the eggs together to hear the money make noise.  She spent her egg hunts in a bucket getting pulled around by mommy or daddy.  Thankfully her big brother was there to find eggs for her.  The last day of the month we sadly had to put Neezer (our cat) down.  He was old and not doing so well.

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P’s schedule is the exact same as last month except we switched out the Cheerios at lunch for 2 multi-grain crackers

Her daily schedule consists of the following:

  • Waking up between 8am-10am, and maybe nursing.
  • Nursing and then a short nap two hours after she wakes up so sometime usually between 10am-11am.
  • Lunch at noon- 2 multi-grain crackers, 2 oz of breastmilk with oatmeal cereal (instead of rice cereal) and 2 oz of fruit.
  • Nursing and nap about three hours after you wake up from morning nap sometime between 2pm and 4pm. Usually a 2-3 hour nap.
  • Playing after she wake up until dinner time.
  • Dinner at 6pm-Cheerios, 2 oz of breastmilk with rice cereal and 2 oz of veggies.
  • Bath and bedtime between 8-9pm.
  • Nurse before bed and then usually every 4-5 hours at night. Have started to sleep most of the night in her crib but the last few hours in the morning are with mommy in bed.

Piper 11 months

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Disclaimer: I have never claimed to be any great writer. So any mistakes that are made are my fault. Sometimes I mix up names B, S, and P, but I think you can figure out who I am talking about. If you find any grammatical errors just fix it in your mind so it sounds right.