Meijer Clearance Finds-Round 4

We had one more Meijer that we had not been to, so after dinner we ran to it.  While we didn’t find any big finds, we did get a few good small toys.  We got all of these and only spent $60.


  • I found this 3 Little Piggy toy and could not pass it up.  I pretty much have and do collect anything with pigs (just not live ones).  It was only $6.74, and P already loves playing with it.  We found this Tonka Grader and S said he definitely does not have this.  It was super cheap and only $8.25.


  • S has been playing with this size Lego/Megabloks lately and with this being a little fire station and engine it would be a nice addition.  It also doesn’t hurt that it was only $5.62.  I found a state puzzle and really want S to learn all the states and where they’re located so this seemed like fate.  It was $4.87 like the other puzzle I got.  S found this bug play yard and had to have it.  I was okay with it and it was only $4.50.  Little did I know that B had already bought it for him and it was in our basement.  No big deal we will just return one of them or we may keep it for B’s nephew if he comes to visit this summer.


  • I can’t believe that we bought more Take-n-Play trains, but we did.  They are really cool sets and S did not have either engine.  I really hope P likes trains because we have enough.  The sets were $5.62 each.  I really like the Go! Go! Smart Wheels toys and unfortunately they didn’t come out until S was to big for them.  I’m really hoping P likes them.  A tractor set and car with camper were only $4.12 each.


  • I found another Breyer set for B’s cousin.  It was only $6.75.  Super cheap for this stable.


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Disclaimer: I have never claimed to be any great writer. So any mistakes that are made are my fault. Sometimes I mix up names B, S, and P, but I think you can figure out who I am talking about. If you find any grammatical errors just fix it in your mind so it sounds right.