Manic Monday

Manic Mondays are when I let you know what plans I have for the week. Some weeks I may be very busy where other weeks there may not be any plans. Since I now have two little ones to take care of I am going to post weekly goals for myself to try to hold myself accountable. I have also decided to do a quick recap of what we actually did versus what I thought we were going to do.

This Week

My Weekly Goal-I would like to get all the clothes that I have to sell listed on the Perrysburg Online Garage Sales and Ebay.

Monday-It’s Presidents Day so S is off from school. It is going to be in the negatives and maybe make it to the single digits if we’re lucky so we will be hanging out inside most of the day.

Tuesday-Another day at home inside because of the cold weather.

Wednesday-S has school (hopefully), and then we are going to make a trip to the library so S can get some more books. I think P and I are going to make a run to Target while S is in school. I am thinking that the V-day stuff will be 70%. I don’t plan on buying anything at 70% off, I just want to scope out what is there for 90%. I am really hoping to score a ton of Legos for $.39 when they are 90%.

Thursday-Another day of hanging out at home because it is going to get frigid again.

Friday-I am hoping that S is going to have school because it is supposed to be -13° Thursday night without the wind chill even factored into it. I will run to Target to see if the V-day stuff went 90%, and then we are just hanging out at home the rest of the day.

Saturday-No plans for the weekend

Sunday-Another quiet day at home, maybe we will make homemade donuts for breakfast.

Last Week Recap

B spent most of the week trying to find work while he is out on strike. So far he has gotten a few leads but nothing concrete. I was able to do more work in the basement because my sister came over to play with the kids which gave me some free time. Monday S and I were able to get his Valentine’s done after he got home from school. He spent the rest of the afternoon driving his Crazy Cart in the garage.


Tuesday I took P to the doctor’s for her first cold. She had a rumble in her chest that I just wanted to make sure she wasn’t developing anything in her chest. No worries she just had a regular cold and we needed to keep an eye on her. The rest of the day was another quiet day at home.

Wednesday we hung out at home and then S and I went to Mom’s night at his school. We had a good time just hanging out in his room. He really liked showing me the different centers they have in his room that he likes to play with. Because of P’s cold she had a heck of a time sleeping at night. She fell asleep on Wednesday night and slept for about an hour and then woke up. She was up for over 3 hours and I finally laid her back down to cry it out. It was her or me with crying it out. I let her cry for over 20 minutes and then I heard her getting really congested and went to get her. She fell asleep almost immediately in my arms when I picked her up and washed her face off.


Thursday morning I noticed something in P’s eye. At first I thought it was a fuzz or thread. Nope I was wrong she popped a blood vessel in her eye crying the night before. When she is crying it out it is like nothing else. P can cry, whine, & scream, but when you combine all three she will go until she makes herself sick. S was the same way. They never give up. P has gotten horse from crying and screaming so much in her bed.


Friday B took S to school, and I let P sleep in. She slept till 10:30. I guess she needed to catch up on her sleep. After she woke up we ran to a few stores and did some returns. After we picked S up from school we ran to a few more stores to do returns. I tend to save all my returns up and do them all at one time. Really I try to get B to do all my returns for me. It usually works about half the time.


Saturday we hung out at home and got an obscene amount of snow. There was over 5 inches when it was all said and done. Valentine’s Day at our house was spent inside. Sunday it was freezing outside so we hung out inside again. In the evening, we went to my mom’s and S got to spend some time with F.


Last Week

My Weekly Goal-To finish working in the basement. Now that B is off for a while he can help me lift the heavy stuff. It looks like it is going to be a quiet week for us. Since B is off he is not going to be gone during the day so we are just going to hang out at home.

Monday-S has school, and then B is going to get his dad from the airport. When we told S B’s parents were coming back from Arizona he said, “I need to call them and tell them thank you for coming back to us.” It was so funny and he was so excited.

Tuesday-No plans but we need to finish S’s Valentine’s for his class.

Wednesday-S has school and we are hanging out at home. We have Mommy and me night at S’s school. He has been working on an art project for me during school.

Thursday-No plans for today and no more runs to Target for a while.

Friday-S has school. He is having his first Valentine’s Day party and has no idea what to expect

Saturday-Even though it is Valentine’s Day we are just hanging out at home. We never do anything for Valentine’s Day; to us it is just another day.

Sunday-No plans for today, I have a post that is due by today.

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Disclaimer: I have never claimed to be any great writer. So any mistakes that are made are my fault. Sometimes I mix up names B, S, and P, but I think you can figure out who I am talking about. If you find any grammatical errors just fix it in your mind so it sounds right.