Manic Mondays are when I let you know what plans I have for the week. Some weeks I may be very busy where other weeks there may not be any plans. Since I now have two little ones to take care of I am going to post weekly goals for myself to try and hold myself accountable. I have also decided to do a quick recap of what we actually did versus what I thought we were going to do.
This Week
My Weekly Goals: I still want to get out S and P’s pictures. P has not been cooperating with me so I can put her down and get the pictures done. I also would like to tackle my scrapbook table and be able to put everything away and get it organized so I can start on P’s scrapbook. I also need to get both kids in their photo albums.
Monday-B is home and today we have no plans. I am hoping B can convince S to go to the barbers and get his hair cut.
Tuesday-I made an appt for Derby to get groomed. She has a bit of a skunk smell to her when she gets wet so I am having them shave her and I mean super short. My hope is to get rid of all the hair that could be holding that smell. I will post pictures after she gets cut.
Wednesday-S has a tee ball game in the morning and that is it. Storytime is over with until school starts again. Since S is starting preschool I am not sure if we are going to sign-up again for storytime.
Thursday-Today is the farmer’s market. It is a huge bummer because this is when I normally buy peaches, but because of the cold weather we had in the winter we won’t be getting any peaches this year. That means I can’t make baby food for P and B won’t get his peach pies which he loves.
Friday-S has his soccer clinic and then if B decides to go to the reunion I may have to pack up a few things to make the long day trip.
Saturday-B is having his bi-annual family reunion. As of the beginning of the week we are not planning on going (his choice), but you never know things always change. I could be singing a different tune come Saturday morning. We also have a Lowe’s build to make the Turbo Taco Truck.
Sunday-We have no plans for today so either we will be recovering from yesterday or just hanging out at home.
Last Week Recap
I didn’t even come close to meeting all my weekly goals. I was able to go to Target and get the summer clearance deals but as far as pictures I got nothing done.
Monday S played outside and did some swimming. Tuesday we played outside most of the day because it was so nice out. We also got to fly S’s kite (it is one of my favorite things to do). P had her two month check-up and first rounds of vaccinations.
Wednesday I ran to Target first thing in the morning and then onto S’s tee ball game. S went to storytime and had fun. It was his last one of the summer. The rest of the day we played at home.
Thursday we hung out at home and then went to the farmer’s market in the afternoon. All the grandparents came over after we got home and watched S swim in the pool without his life jacket.
Friday we went to soccer and then S played with his cousins the entire afternoon. He had so much fun and did not want to leave. Saturday we hung out at home and S played outside in his sandbox. Sunday was pretty much a repeat of Saturday. Instead of playing in the sandbox, S played in the swimming pool.
Last Week
My Weekly Goals: Get my Target clearance finds posted, get out S’s 4 ½ pictures, and get kids photobooks updated.
Monday-I think we are just going to spend the day at home. Hopefully I can get caught up on a few things and S can play outside in his sandbox.
Tuesday-I question whether the Target summer clearance will go 90% today, so we may make a run to Target, but other than that I don’t really have any plans.
Wednesday-S has his tee ball game first thing in the morning; I will run to Target afterward if the summer clearance at Target did not go 90% yesterday. S has storytime and I am not sure if he will go this week. P has her two month doctor appointment and I need to get her two month pictures done today. I may do it tomorrow because she is getting shots and I really don’t want her cranky for her pictures.
Thursday-We may get P’s two month pics done today and we have the farmer’s market in the afternoon.
Friday-B is working during the day so I will take S to his soccer clinic by myself. After B gets off work we are going to my aunts for a get together. P will be meeting most of the family for the first time.
Saturday-There are not any plans for today, so I guess we will be hanging out around the house.
Sunday-Another day that we have no plans so we will be hanging out at home.