Manic Monday

Manic Mondays are when I let you know what plans I have for the week.  Some weeks I may be very busy where other weeks there may not be any plans.  I have also decided to do a quick recap of what we actually did versus what I thought we were going to do.

This Week

Monday-B is off and no plans for the day.  Just how I like it.  We thought about canoeing down the Maumee River, but the weather is not going to cooperate and it looks like rain for most of the day.

Tuesday-No plans for today, just hanging out around home.  If it doesn’t rain I am sure we will be spending time outside.

Wednesday-Another day of rain forecasted so we are hanging out at home either inside or outside.

Thursday-I go for my 36 week check-up appt. and could not be more excited.  I am so ready to have this done.

Friday-B is off and as of now we have no plans but to hang out at home.

Saturday-B and S have a build at Home Depot and I am headed to a wedding shower in the morning.  I like late morning showers because it doesn’t kill the whole day.

Flower Planter

Sunday-S’s cousin is having her first communion so we will be going to that and then to their house afterwards.

Last Week Recap

What an ending to this week!  It was busy at the end of the week, but relatively quiet during the beginning of the week.

Monday it was so warm outside, we spent the afternoon playing in the sand and S mowed the lawn with B.  While they were busy mowing the lawn I took the hour and paid bills (Oh, what fun!).


Tuesday I was able to get S’s 51 month pictures out to all of his cousins.  It only took me 6 weeks.  I started them and finished them all in one day.  I was glad to get those out before the baby comes and I have to send out the baby announcements!


Wednesday we played outside most of the day.  Since S had a reaction to the new lotions we went today without any sunblock.  S got a little color but it helped to dry out the rash.  We spent the afternoon inside because of the sun and no sunblock and then the evening playing outside again.

Thursday S and I made a run to Target and went shopping for the 70% off Easter clearance.  We didn’t get much but we were able to scope out some of the Easter stuff that got put back in the regular aisles.


Friday it rained and was a bit chilly so we spent the day inside hanging out.  We got all of our Easter decorations put away.  I less thing that has to be done before the baby comes.

Saturday I decided to venture out to Target and see if the Easter clearance went 90% off.  S was happy to tag along today which was nice.  The Easter clearance did go 90% and I got lots of tiny hauls from the four Targets in my area.  I could have went crazy and got a ton of stuff, but really how much lip gloss and nail polish do I need for goody bags for S’s school?  I focused on other stuff and more boyish goodies.  By the time we were done shopping I was in some serious pain so S and I spent a few hours in bed playing games and relaxing.  When I showed B the stuff I got from Target and we went outside to play with one of the toys (which was a hit), we all ventured back to the Target I always shop at to see if they had more foam planes.


Sunday we celebrated Easter with my family, so we spent the morning preparing food to take to my mom’s.  I made cheesy potatoes, and then S helped me make all the Jell-O desserts.  Since I had done so much before we went to my mom’s I started out already being sore before we even got there.  S was so happy to be able to play with his cousins that he took off running and the only time we saw him again before the egg hunt was when he was a flash running by.  S did much better this week with the egg hunt.  There were no breakdowns today and S was having a blast running around finding eggs.  When S found all of his eggs, I finally threw the towel in and went inside to lie down on the couch until it was time to go.  We came home and went through more baby stuff to get the swing, carseat, seats, and stroller covers washed and ready for the baby.  After that I spent the rest of the day in bed because I was so sore.  S and B mowed the lawn and B told me S followed him the entire time mowing the lawn.  When they came in after a few hours, S told me he used all of his energy and was done for the day.  Sounds good to me!


Last Week

Monday-It is going to be warm out today which I am really excited about.  I am hoping S gets to spend time outside playing.  The rest of the week is going to be cooler and wet so this will be his only chance to wear shorts this week.

Tuesday-No plans for today so we are just hanging out at home.  I may run to Target when B gets up just to check out how the Easter clearance is going.  I am thinking the clearance will go 70% off tomorrow or Thursday but you never know.

Wednesday-Another day of hanging out at home.  B is working so it will just be me and S at home.

Thursday-I am just hanging out at home today with S.  We may make a trip to the library to return books and get some more.  I am thinking about doing our weekly trip to Target at the same time.

Friday-Another day of no plans but hanging out at home.

Saturday-As of now we have no plans again which I love, so we are just hanging out at home.

Sunday-We are celebrating Easter at my mom’s today.  Hopefully, S will be okay with the egg hunt this week.

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Disclaimer: I have never claimed to be any great writer. So any mistakes that are made are my fault. Sometimes I mix up names B, S, and P, but I think you can figure out who I am talking about. If you find any grammatical errors just fix it in your mind so it sounds right.