Manic Mondays are when I let you know what plans I have for the week. Some weeks I may be very busy where other weeks there may not be any plans. I have also decided to do a quick recap of what we actually did versus what I thought we were going to do. This looks like it is going to be another quiet week and I am okay with that. In just a few short months we will be so busy every day with a newborn that we will wish for these quiet days again.
This Week
Monday-We are just hanging out today at home. I broke down and finally bought a 4-month subscription to, so I am thinking we will be spending a few hours figuring it out and playing with it.
Tuesday-B and I are going to run some errands and I arranged it so S could go and hang out at Grandma’s so he doesn’t have to go to a bunch of stores with us. I am pretty sure F is going to be at my mom’s so S will love it.
Wednesday-We have storytime in the morning and then F is coming over after dinner. We are going to watch F until her mom gets off work, which means S gets to have a kind of sleep over. They will fall asleep together just not wake up together in the morning.
Thursday-No zoo school this week, so we are going to make our weekly trip to Target and just hang out at home the rest of the day.
Friday-No plans, but it is supposed to be super nice outside so I am hoping we can spend a good majority of the day outside playing. It just depends on how muddy it is.
Saturday-Another day of no plans, so we are just hanging out.
Sunday-Same as the rest of the week. Just hanging out at home.
Last Week Recap
We really just hung out at home most of the week not really doing a whole lot. I didn’t even take that many pictures last week to try and help me remember what we did. Monday we were sure to wear our green for St. Patty’s Day, went to check out the ice breaking up at the dam in Grand Rapids, and painted suncatchers.
Tuesday we hung out at home and S helped B take apart our old TV.
Wednesday we went to storytime and were home the rest of the day. Thursday S and B went to zoo school and I slept in. Later I went to Target and B ended up stopping at Target so I could show him some stuff and decide whether we should buy them or not. B was like just buy it so we got it all. Friday we hung out at home, and did more of the same on Saturday. Sunday was another day of hanging out at home. Like I said we really had nothing planned for the week and just hung out at home getting a lot of small stuff done that needed to be done before the baby comes.
Last Week
Monday-No plans for today. I think we may drive up the Maumee River and check it out because the ice finally broke up in Grand Rapids and everything is really moving. I also am going to try and make a green treat with S for St. Patrick’s Day.
Tuesday-No plans for today, just hanging out at home.
Wednesday-S has storytime this morning and then we are just spending the rest of the day hanging out at home.
Thursday-S has his last session of this zoo school. Thankfully B is going to be home, so I don’t have to take him this week. I plan on running to Target while they are at school. The rest of the day we are just hanging out at home.
Friday-No plans for today, just hanging out at home.
Saturday-Again no plans, just hanging out at home.
Sunday-Same as the rest of the week, no plans.