Manic Monday

Manic Mondays are when I let you know what plans I have for the week. Some weeks I may be very busy where other weeks there may not be any plans. Since I now have two little ones to take care of I am going to post weekly goals for myself to try to hold myself accountable. I have also decided to do a quick recap of what we actually did versus what I thought we were going to do.

This Week

Monday-I am meeting with my mom to talk in the morning and then hanging out the rest of the day at home.  We may try to go see Santa after dinner.

Tuesday-No plans other than hanging out at home.

Wednesday-S has the day off from school.  Today is baking/cooking day.  I have to make two pumpkin pies, and B is going to get the green bean casserole assembled to cook in the morning.  I want to take S to see the new Peanuts movie.  In the evening, we are going to B’s aunts for Thanksgiving dinner.  Of course after dinner we go over the ads and make all the lists.  B and his aunt combine their lists and tag team stores.

Thursday-We are going to my dad’s for Thanksgiving and then I am pretty sure that B will take off for Black Friday Sales.  Since we are eating a P’s naptime I am hoping to get her down for an early nap or we will leave when B does to give her a late nap.

Friday-B may run to a few stores in the morning.  If S takes his shower ever night this week when asked he earns decorating outside with lights.  B is working that night, and we are staying home.

Saturday-We are hanging out at home and in the evening we are going to the lights parade in Maumee.  My sister now lives on the parade route so we are hoping to watch it from her front window and stay nice and warm.

Sunday-Just hanging out at home.  We are going to start getting ready for Chippy, our elf, to come and visit.  S is so excited because we bought him a jacket last year for him to wear to keep him warm when he travels.

Last Week Recap

Monday we got up early and ran to Kohl’s as planned.  The rest of the day we hung out at home and S went to school.

Tuesday I got a last minute hair appointment and had to take P with me.  We left right after S got on the bus.  Usually you go to get your hair done to get away from the kids.   This time not so much.  P got into her usual happy loud screams and let’s say I went home with dripping wet hair.  One of the cosmetologist asked me if she could take P for a walk while they finished cutting my hair.  Sure go for it.  It was actually pretty warm outside for this time of year so P totally loved being outside.

Wednesday it was slightly warm outside so P played outside waiting for S to get on the bus.  I let her keep playing outside until big rain drops starting coming down.


Thursday was a day of hanging out at home and playing.


Friday we got our family pictures done and now it is time to get the Christmas cards out.  This is the first time P did not cry for pictures in quite a while.  I have no idea if it was because we had a different photographer; I didn’t put her down until the very end when it was her turn for pictures by herself.  She was super tired so she should have been cranky and crying but she was the complete opposite.

Saturday we hung out at home.  We saw the first snowflakes of the season.  Papa came over in the morning for a quick visit.  We hung out at home the rest of the day and my sister stopped by right before bedtime.  P was so happy to see her she ran up to her and was just talking in a high pitched voice non-stop.

Sunday S got to go outside and play in snow for the first time this year.  He built a snowman in the backyard with his cousin and then ran it over with his truck.

Last Week

It is going to be a super quiet low-key week for us.  We have no plans really for the entire week and I love it.

Monday-The kids and I are going to run to Kohl’s in the morning and make sure we get home in time for S to get on the bus.  It is supposed to be nice so hopefully we will get to play outside when S gets home from school.

Tuesday-No plans just hanging out at home.

Wednesday-Another day of hanging out at home.

Thursday-No plans again.

Friday-I am hoping to get family pictures done in the morning before S heads off to school.  No guarantees, but that is the plan.

Saturday-No plans but I am sure something will come up.

Sunday-Another day of no plans.  I am sure at some point Band I will work on finalizing our Black Friday Shopping

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Disclaimer: I have never claimed to be any great writer. So any mistakes that are made are my fault. Sometimes I mix up names B, S, and P, but I think you can figure out who I am talking about. If you find any grammatical errors just fix it in your mind so it sounds right.