Manic Monday

Manic Mondays are when I let you know what plans I have for the week. Some weeks I may be very busy where other weeks there may not be any plans. Since I now have two little ones to take care of I am going to post weekly goals for myself to try to hold myself accountable. I have also decided to do a quick recap of what we actually did versus what I thought we were going to do.

This Week

Weekly Goals-I have 6 baskets of laundry on the couch that need folded.  I managed to get it all done this weekend but never got a chance to fold it.

Monday-Not much going on today.  I think B and I may run errand with P after S gets on the bus.  B has to work so the kids and I will be hanging out at home after school.

Tuesday-B will be sleeping in the morning and the rest of the day we are just hanging out at home.

Wednesday-S has soccer in the evening and we are just chilling out at home the rest of the day.

Thursday-I really want to get the kids Halloween pictures done.  We have to do it after S gets out of school and P I awake from her nap.  This looks like the only day this week we can get it done and B is off.  There’s also the farmer’s market.

Friday-Not sure what is going on it looks like right now we are just hanging out at home.

Saturday-S has his soccer game early in the morning.  I think we are going to do a little shindig with the neighbors if I can swing it.  We may also try to do a train ride in Tecumseh if we can get last chance tickets.

Sunday-This looks like the last Powerwheels Demolition Derby of the year.  It also looks like the biggest one around.  Last year there was over 30 Powerwheels in the derby.  They are also having  a regular demolition derby which we all love to go and watch.

Last Week Recap

As far as my weekly goals go, I never got to my bedroom.  I did get part of the kitchen done, but am still working on it.

We managed to get almost all of our Halloween decorations out.  I love when the house is decorated for any holiday/season.

Most of the week was pretty quiet.  For the most part we just hung out at home.  We did spend a few days walking around in town looking for houses on the architectural scavenger hunt.  P was having a heck of a time taking naps.  I have no idea what got in to her, but all of a sudden she quit taking two naps.  She got off her routine.  B was also on his week off which I always think is part of the problem.  She doesn’t want to miss anything with her dada so she refuses to nap when he is home.  I swear she hears his voice and it causes her to wake right up.  It’s almost guaranteed to happen each morning that B comes home from third shift.  He gets home at 6am and she wakes up magically right at the same time or a few minutes after.


Saturday we went to S’s game in the morning.  It started at 9am.  The coach told us to be there 15 minutes before the game starts. We got there at 8:53am and not one person from either team was there.  There were only like 10 cars in the whole parking lot..  Literally at 9am is when all the cars started rolling in.  It was a cold morning so we were all bundled up.  I was smart enough to back the van in so P and I sat in the back of the van and watched the game.  It definitely helped when it started to rain and blow outside.  S played like a champ in the rain and scored his first goal of the season.  He was so happy.  We decided not to go to the PowerWheels Demolition Derby because of the rain and cold weather.  Good thing too because it never stopped raining the entire day.  S got invited to a birthday party in the afternoon.  He had a blast running around with his friends.

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P was a little stinker Saturday night and refused to go back to sleep at 4:30am so we were up for the day.  I went to bed super late and got no sleep before she was up for the day.  We laid down on the living room floor and watched Toy Story 3.  I dozed most of the time and P just laid around.  P took an early nap at 8am, another one at 11am, and a third one at 4:30pm.  She still went to bed at 8pm.  Safe to say I slept on and off during the day and B watched the kids

Last Week

Weekly Goals-This is B’s week off so hopefully I will be able to work on some reviews and possibly tackling the kitchen and my bedroom.

Monday-S has school, but other than that it looks like we are hanging out at home.

Tuesday-The architectural scavenger hunt that I have been working on is due tomorrow so I am hoping to find everything.  I only have about 12 out of 54 left to find.

Wednesday-I have a doctor appointment, and S has soccer practice in the evening.

Thursday-We have the farmer’s market in the afternoon.

Friday-Other than B working having to work, it doesn’t look like we have any plans.

Saturday-S has a soccer game early in the morning, and then we are off to S’s second Power Wheels Demolition Derby.  He is so excited to go and compete.  Right after that he is invited to a birthday party that starts at 3pm.  The Demo Derby starts at 12pm.  S really wants to do both but it all depends on time.  B works night shift on Friday and Saturday so he is going to get a little sleep Saturday morning do all this running around and as soon as we get home he will be off to work for the night.

Sunday-I have a feeling B will be sleeping most of the day.  The kids and I will either be super quiet around the house or depending on the weather may try to get out of the house so he can get a few good hours of sleep.

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Disclaimer: I have never claimed to be any great writer. So any mistakes that are made are my fault. Sometimes I mix up names B, S, and P, but I think you can figure out who I am talking about. If you find any grammatical errors just fix it in your mind so it sounds right.