Manic Monday

Manic Mondays are when I let you know what plans I have for the week. Some weeks I may be very busy where other weeks there may not be any plans. Since I now have two little ones to take care of I am going to post weekly goals for myself to try to hold myself accountable. I have also decided to do a quick recap of what we actually did versus what I thought we were going to do.

This Week

My Weekly Goal: I don’t really have anything concrete, just try to get things in order around the house.

Monday-It looks like we are going to have a quiet day at home.

Tuesday-I set up a playdate for S with two friends from school. I hope the weather cooperates so they can play outside because it is not clean in the house.

Wednesday-S has library storytime in the morning and then I think we are going to go swim at my mom’s unless B sets up the pool today.

Thursday-S has his first teeball game. Today they practice for a half hour and get there shirts and hats. Monday is there first official game. It is going to be twice a week this year instead of just once. The worst part is that it is at 8:30am. Love that it will beat the heat, hate that it is so early.

Friday-S has soccer camp which starts today. They learn the basics and work on handling the ball. Occasionally they will scrimmage each other but this totally helped S out last year, so he wanted to do it again.

Saturday-We are going to take my sister to the airport in the morning and then there is a Jurassic Park Lego build at Toys R Us that S really wants to go to. After B gets home from work we are going to a graduation party for a friend. When I met B this girl graduating was only like 3 or 4. I cannot believe that she is already graduating from high school!

Sunday-Today is Father’s Day! B has to work all day so I am guessing if my dad is home we will go over there and hang out with him.

Last Week Recap

S had his last week of Safety Town and loved everyday. He got to go on his first bus ride. He is now so excited to get to ride a bus every day to and from school. Friday I surprised S and we rode our bike to his Safety Town graduation. P is okay with riding the bike, but she does not like riding on it nearly as much as S did. S had swim class last week and finished his first session. Session 2 starts next week and he is supposed to have two of the kids that were in his preschool class in it. He is beyond excited to not be the only kid in his class.

Graduating from Safety Town

Graduating from Safety Town

B started back to work last Monday and had his first real shift Friday night. We are now getting back into the swing of things around here and it is starting to feel normal again. Friday S and I started making our neighbor’s birthday cake. I let S do everything except put the cake in the oven. He cracked all the eggs, added all the ingredients, and poured the cake batter into the pan.

Saturday we went to the Cherry Fest Parade and then hung out with my aunt and uncle for a while. When we got home, B went to work and the kids and I played. While we were making dinner and eating S and I worked on separating M&Ms by color so we could decorate the cake. I put a layer of chocolate frosting on the cake and outlined the design of the race car for S. He made the decision of what colors everything was going to be, and where they went. When S was decorating the cake you couldn’t really tell what the cake looked like. I was taking pictures throughout the decorating process and realized that you can see exactly what the cake was in the pictures. It was so weird when you looked at the cake you had no idea what it was supposed to be. When you take a picture of the cake you can clearly tell it is a race car with the number 32 on it. So strange!  After the kids went to bed I made B a strawberry pie and worked on some blog posts.

Cherry Fest Parade

Cherry Fest Parade

Sunday S played outside while B was mowing the lawn. P took her naps and hung out with me.

Last Week

My Weekly Goal-I would like to get a few reviews done for the blog this week. P has refused to let me touch the computer when she is awake, so this may prove to be difficult.

Monday-S has Safety Town and swim class. The rest of the day we are hanging out at home. B has his first day back to work. They are doing a transition and today they are having orientation.

Tuesday-S has Safety Town and swim class. We do not have any plans. B has another day of orientation for returning to work.

Wednesday-S has Safety Town and swim class. B is finishing up work for the side jobs he was doing. We are hanging out at home.

Thursday-S has Safety Town and his last swim class for this session. S and I are going to make a birthday cake for our neighbor. S wants to enter the cake decorating contest at the library. I think a lot of parents help their kids quite a bit decorating the cakes but I am going to try to let S do as much of it on his own as possible.

Friday-S has graduation from Safety Town in the morning and B goes back on his first real shift Friday night since he has been on strike.

Saturday-We are going to go to the Cherry Festival Parade. Since my aunt and uncle now live in Whitehouse I am hoping they get spots for us because B will be sleeping in the morning and I will wake him up early to go to the parade with us. S has a build at Lowe’s in the morning. The rest of the day we are just going to hang out at home.

Sunday-As of now we have no plans. Since B is back to work he is on third shift this day so he will sleep in the morning and they we will have a few hours with him before he goes back to work for the night.


  • Jenny says:

    I saw the Lego build too but its just the doorway for Jurrasic Park so it didn’t look like much of a build. Since our TrU isn’t that close unless the weather is bad and we can’t head to the pool I think we are going to pass on this one. However if the weather is nasty then it would be a nice change of pace.

  • Stephanie says:

    I told S it was just the doorway, but then he asked if we could come home and build a dinosaur. Yeah, cause I totally would know how to construct a dinosaur out of Legos. Totally not my thing.

Disclaimer: I have never claimed to be any great writer. So any mistakes that are made are my fault. Sometimes I mix up names B, S, and P, but I think you can figure out who I am talking about. If you find any grammatical errors just fix it in your mind so it sounds right.