Manic Mondays are when I let you know what plans I have for the week. Some weeks I may be very busy where other weeks there may not be any plans. Since I now have two little ones to take care of I am going to post weekly goals for myself to try to hold myself accountable. I have also decided to do a quick recap of what we actually did versus what I thought we were going to do.
This Week
Weekly Goal-I am going to try once again to work on making P’s birthday banner.
Monday-S has school and we are hanging out at home the rest of the time enjoying the nice weather.
Tuesday-B has to pick up the Strike Relief fund check at the union hall. My sister got Mud Hens tickets so S and I are going to the game with her. I am going to try to leave P at home with B if he is home from work. If not P is going to tag along and watch the game with us.
Wednesday-S has school. They are having movie day so S has to wear pajamas to school. He is not sure if he wants to or not yet. I bet he does in the end. The rest of the day we are hanging out at home.
Thursday-We are hanging out at home.
Friday-S does not have school today. We don’t have any plans as of yet and are just hanging out at home.
Saturday-S has a build in the morning at Lowe’s and then a soccer game. B is getting a few buddies from work and they are going to move my sister. Really they are putting everything in PODS, but they still have to empty the house.
Sunday-Today is Mother’s Day. B is going to finish up moving my sister and then I am not sure what else we are going to do.
Last Week Recap
I never even got a chance to think about decorations for P’s party last week. So I failed at that goal.
Monday S had school and then we just hung out at home. Tuesday we spent at home. Since it was nice out I gave S the option of playing outside in the backyard or going to the park. He chose the park so that is where we went. S and P had such a great time swinging at the park.
Wednesday S had a scheduled two hour delay and then we went out to my Aunt and Uncle’s so S could help organize the toys. We ended up staying out there the entire afternoon and playing.
Friday S had school and then we went to help B with his roofing job. We picked up the roof shingles they had ripped off the roof. S loved helping and really enjoyed using the magnet to pick up nails. We were supposed to go to the union hall for dinner, but S asked if we could stay home and play outside. I happily obliged and we stayed outside until after 8pm.
Saturday S had his soccer game in the morning. Unfortunately he did not score any goals this game so we didn’t go for ice cream. I took S and P to Toledo Amtrak Train Day. S loves train day and this was no exception. We went to the union hall to get some food that was donated, and then stopped at the house B was roofing again so the kids could see him. Afterward we went home, P took a nap and then we played outside till bedtime again.
Sunday S got up early with B and they were outside mowing the lawn before P and I were even up. We went to church for B’s cousins little ones First Communion and then back to their house for a party. We ended up staying there until after 8pm. S loves playing with his cousin L. I can’t believe how much those kids love to play together. S also met another little boy Dino, and loved to not have one but two boys to play with that were around his age.
Last Week
My Weekly Goals: My goals are going to solely focusing on getting ready for P’s party. This week I want to get her bubble happy birthday sign made and a few other decorations.
Monday-S has school and then we are going to be hanging out at home.
Tuesday-Another day of being home.
Wednesday-S has a two hour delay and then we may head out to my uncle and aunts for a few hours. Other than that we will just be at home.
Thursday-As of now we have no plans, but who knows.
Friday-S has school in the morning and if the weather is nice we will be outside. Hopefully the union will actually host there Friday strike dinner. They haven’t done it the past few weeks.
Saturday-S has another soccer game and it looks like it is going to be nice for his game.
Sunday-We have a First Communion and a baby shower. I think S and B are going to go to the First Communion and P and I will be headed to the baby shower. We will all meet up at B’s cousins later.