JCPenney Clearance Finds

When we went to get S’s pictures last Monday I hit the clearance racks on the way out the door and am so glad that I did.  I got enough swimwear for S for the next few years.  I don’t have the receipt in front of me, but I spent just over $20 for all of this.


  • These two cute swim outfits came as sets.  I would have paid $7 and thought I got a really good deal, but nope I only paid $1.97 for each set.  Basically a dollar an article of clothing.


  • These swim trunks will not fit S for a few years.  I picked ones that were pretty basic hoping that he won’t mind them.  They were only $1.97 each.


  • I found Jack and the Neverland Pirate swim trunks for $1.97 and although I don’t love them I knew S would.  Let me tell you he was super excited when he saw them.  I found another pair of Thomas swim trunks for $3.97 that will probably be too big for S next year but will fit when he is 5.  I hope he still likes Thomas then.  The swim shirt was basic for $3.97 and will match almost all of his swim trunks.



Disclaimer: I have never claimed to be any great writer. So any mistakes that are made are my fault. Sometimes I mix up names B, S, and P, but I think you can figure out who I am talking about. If you find any grammatical errors just fix it in your mind so it sounds right.