Halloween LED Balloons Review

Disclaimer:  I received this product for free or highly discounted in exchange for an honest review.  All thoughts and opinions expressed are mine.

I love decorating for Halloween.  To try different types of decorations is fun for us.  This year we are going to try LED balloons and see how they turn out.  I love the four designs but by far the orange pumpkin balloon is my favorite.  The balloons are supposed to glow for up to 12 hours so we are planning on blowing them up before we go trick-or-treating on Halloween.

S is excited to hang the balloons up all over the yard and has already made plans.  P doesn’t like scary Halloween decorations but she liked the purple balloon because it had a smile on its face.  If we had helium I would totally blow them up and hand them out to trick-or-treaters instead of candy.  How much fun would that be and it would give the children a light to help keep them safe.

The Halloween LED Balloons, 30-pack is $9.99 on Amazon.com.  Click here to order the Halloween LED Balloons.


I was chosen to review the Halloween LED Balloons on Tomoson.com.  Basically how it works is you select items you would like to review and if they chose you, the product is purchased through Amazon.com.  If you have a Prime Account with Amazon shipping is free and a coupon code is provided from the company making the product free or highly discounted.  In exchange they are looking for an honest review on their product.

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Disclaimer: I have never claimed to be any great writer. So any mistakes that are made are my fault. Sometimes I mix up names B, S, and P, but I think you can figure out who I am talking about. If you find any grammatical errors just fix it in your mind so it sounds right.