Here are the pictures from our garden. Most recent will be pictures from this year and the farther you scroll down the farther back in time it goes. Scroll down and you will get the gist.
Garden 2014
Week Ending 05/10/2014
Progress: B has bought all of the plants for the garden and now just has to find the time. The raspberry bushes are really filling in. The strawberry plants now have white flowers on them so it will only be a matter of time before we start seeing little strawberries. The plan is to plant the garden in the next week.
Week Ending 05/03/2014
Progress: The raspberry bushes are starting to fill in and grow. They are currently just above my knee. B uncovered the strawberry plants to see how if they were growing. We have quite a few plants peeking through. As far as the rest of the garden, nothing further has been done. B is now trying to plan the layout of the garden for this year.
Week Ending 04/12/2014
Progress: As of right now, B has not even started thinking about the garden. There are tiny buds on the raspberry plants, but that is all that is going on.
Garden 2013
Week Ending 09/21/2013
Progress: B and I are pretty much burnt out on the garden for the year. There are a ton of tomatoes that need to be picked with no where to go. The peppers are still hanging on. Since we have had cooler weather lately they have not been changing to the red and yellow they are suppose to be. Most are just staying green. They are still good green, just not as sweet. The gourds that we did not plant (B was emptying one out last spring that he dried) have managed to take over the strawberry patch. There are quite a few large gourds on this vine. I think we counted 10 gourds on this vine and we still have a ton more over at B’s parents where B has his second garden.
Week Ending 09/07/2013
Progress:We have been getting a ton of tomatoes, and all kinds of peppers: Bell, Hungarian Wax, and Jalepenos. We have had enough to keep our neighbor fully stocked, we have more than we can eat or can, and my mom came yesterday and picked all the tomatoes she could find to can for herself. There are so many green tomatoes left that we will probably get 2-3 more good harvest as long as the weather permits. We got enough raspberries finally to make a red raspberry pie and a mini yellow raspberry pie. The gourds that grew here on accident have quite a few full size gourds already on the vines.
The Bad: We discovered that our raspberries got infested with SWD which is a spotted wing drosophila. They basically take over the raspberries with the larvae and you don’t eat them. This has been a big issue in Michigan and last year was the first time they really saw a significant increase in them. Guess they made it down to Ohio. B spent yesterday cutting down all of our raspberries to about knee high. It was a total of 5 bags of raspberry plants somewhere between 3-5 quarts of raspberries. I did not take a picture of what the larvae look like, but will show an image I found on the internet which is exactly what I saw. Eeeeew, gross!
Week Ending 09/01/2013
Here is the haul from our big pick this week. We get veggies out as we need them throughout the week and then do one big pick a week.
Week Ending 08/31/2013
Here are pictures from the second garden of some of the veggies and fruits that are growing over there.
Week Ending 08/24/2013
Progress: This was our first really big pick. We did do a moderate picking before going to my brother’s for the week, but this time we picked everything that was ripe. B was going to make chili sauce and if we didn’t pick all the extra tomatoes they would have just gone to waste. If you look you can see celery, jalepenos, Hungarian wax peppers, bell peppers, all types of red tomatoes, yellow pear tomatoes, yellow tomatoes, green zebra stripe tomatoes, and green beans. We did pick raspberries, but they were all eaten by everyone when we were picking. We called in the recruits and had our neighbors came over and help us pick. With four more people helping us we got that garden picked so much faster.
Here is the grand tally for this pick (B came up with these totals, I just go by pictures): 1 peck of green beans, 1/2 peck yellow pear tomatoes, 1/2 peck cherry tomatoes, 1/2 peck green zebra stripe tomatoes, Carolina Gold tomatoes, 17 1/2 gallons of red tomatoes (assorted varieties), 5 gallons of bell peppers, 2 1/2 gallons Hungarian wax peppers, 1/2 peck jalepenos, and 6 bunches of celery. That is seriously quite a haul. I don’t know if it is our biggest, but it definitely is up there at the top.

This is what we picked minus what our neighbors took home. Those are all buckets of tomatoes under the boxes!
Week Ending 08/10/2013
Progress: The garden is thriving. In the past two weeks, B has picked all of the onions and dried them. They started to die so he had to pick them before they went bad. They are small but really strong onions. I think our celery is way to ripe. Garden celery for us in the past has been way to strong to even eat. I think this years will be no exception. We have started to get tomatoes. Right now we are picking Mortgage Lifters, Yellow Pear, Amish Paste, Green Zebra, and Sweet 100 cherries. As you can see the Hungarian Wax peppers are supposed to be picked when they are yellow. B has let them go and now they are turning a bright red which will make them a little hotter. We only planted red and yellow peppers this year and as you can see we are getting some great color on the peppers.
Thursday night I picked our first crop of green beans. There was a nice amount of green beans and we were able to get some pea pods. S loves to eat the peas out of them. I think I picked the last of the cucumber pickles for the year. The plants are almost all dead. T-T and I picked these tomatoes in less than 5 minutes. We just picked what she wanted.
Week ending 07/31/2013
This is B’s second garden that he started over at his dad’s house. It used to be two rows about 3-4 ft. apart. You can see the garden has taken a life of it’s own. B decided to grow all of the fruits and veggies that are ground covers. Pumpkins, squash (butternut, spaghetti, and acorn), gourds, watermelon, cantaloupe, and I think a few other things. We do have some small personal watermelons right now the size of baseballs.
Week Ending 07/20/2013
The best I could do for a picture update for this week, through the trampoline netting with Derby as the focus. You can see how high the tomato plants are. Yes, those tall things are the tomato plants creating a green wall. B is picking his cucumber pickles to make….pickles.
Week ending 07/13/2013
Progress: This week, B started cutting back the zucchini and summer squash leaves in hopes of growing more veggies. The pickle cucumbers are going crazy. We are picking so many we have started giving them away to neighbors. The peppers are growing fast and furious, lots of green tomatoes, but not a red one yet in site.
Here are a few snapshots of the garden before B weeded and gardened.
Here are a few pics after B weeded, gardened, and picked veggies.
Week ending 06/29/2013
Progress: This week we got about 12 cucumber pickles (enough for B to make a batch of dill pickles.), 3 cucumbers, and several zucchini and summer squash.
This is the second garden that B started over at his dad’s that will hold most of the fruits and veggies that are ground covers.
Here are the beginning of a small personal watermelon and a gourd.
Week Ending 06/22/2013
Progress-So far we have been getting about 1-2 quarts of strawberries every other day now for the past week. We have gotten 2 cucumbers, 2 summer squash and 2 zucchini. The tomato plants are currently ranging in size from 2-5 ft. in height.
Week of 06/17/2013
Week Ending 06/01/2013
Week Ending 05/25/2013
A little bright outside when I took this picture. You can see that the tomato plants and pepper plants are about 1-2 feet.
Week Ending 05/18/2013
Week Ending 05/11/2013
Before any work has been done in the garden yet.
Week Ending 05/04/2013
You can see that nothing has even started growing yet. Still pretty brown.
Sure looks like some green thumb work pretty hard to keep that garden looking good!!
thanks, could it be you?
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