Friday’s Letters


Enjoy my Friday’s Letters.

Dear P, We have to figure out a way for you to sleep on your own.  S liked to be held for his naps, but would sleep in his pack ‘n’ play at night.  You for some reason will not sleep anywhere by yourself.  I know that you like to sleep with me, but I need to get decent sleep.  I can’t do that if I am holding you with me when I am sleeping.  Please figure out a way to sleep by yourself at night.

Dear S, I know we had a rough week with you getting sick.  You took it like a little man and did great.  I am so happy to see you feeling better.

Dear B, Oh my gosh, you wondered why I was okay with S not having tons of playdates since he was born and I think you got your answer this week.  I know we can’t keep him in a bubble, but anything necessary to not get the flu again is okay with me.

Dear Sons of Anarchy, I have no idea why I did not start watching you sooner, but I am addicted.  This is like when I start a new series of books that are really good.  I can’t stop reading until I finish them all.  I am doing the same with this.  Each season has had 13-14 episodes and as I type this at 12:28 am I am on Season 5, Episode 12, and started watching this last Friday.  It is currently in its seventh and last season.  I can’t wait to see how it ends!

Dear Target, I am so happy you did not let me down this week.  I am so happy with all of the awesome Halloween clearance finds I got.  Now if I could only find a place to put them all.

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Disclaimer: I have never claimed to be any great writer. So any mistakes that are made are my fault. Sometimes I mix up names B, S, and P, but I think you can figure out who I am talking about. If you find any grammatical errors just fix it in your mind so it sounds right.