Friday’s Letters


Enjoy my Friday’s Letters.

Dear P, I love that you are now old enough to sit in your stationary bouncer.  Your brother was way older before he was strong enough to be able to sit in this bouncer.  You are growing up so fast.  If only you liked lying under your jungle gym. Anything not to lie on your back.


Dear S, You have done great with the past few days of school.  I cannot believe you are starting soccer tomorrow.  This is going to be actual soccer, no clinics.  I hope you like it.  What is this about needing a shirt with your name on the back of it?  Where did you even hear about this?

Dear B, Ugh, I cannot believe how late you leave to go to the grocery store and how long it takes you.  You must walk around the store and check out everything.  There is no way it takes the normal person over 3 hours to shop.  When you can call the deli counter and have them pre-cut lunchmeat for you because you won’t make it until after the deli closes and they actually do it because they know you, is sad. (Really, it’s genius, but totally weird.)

Dear Joan, I was totally at a loss for words they broke news on TV to announce you had passed.  I cannot believe I just watched you last week on Fashion Police for the Emmys.

Dear Honest Company, I get that you are an environmentally friendly company, but let’s talk about your diapers.  I was using the sample diapers I was sent and P had one of her blow-outs.  When I went to change the diaper, it was not the norm and up the back.  You literally blew a hole in your diaper!  If they are all natural, environmentally friendly diapers, they also need to be stronger than the babies.  Get my drift.  How in the world does a baby rip a hole in the diaper when they are doing their business?  It was the strangest thing I have ever seen (when it comes to diapers).

Dear Kohl’s, Why do you give me Kohl’s cash to use and then have no sales?  I went to use the coupons and the Carter’s stuff is usually 50% off.  Today it was buy one get one half off.  So for two outfits I was spending $36 ($24+$12) versus them both being 50% off and only paying $24 total.  I am going to have to try and do some kind of price adjustment after this sale is over.

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Disclaimer: I have never claimed to be any great writer. So any mistakes that are made are my fault. Sometimes I mix up names B, S, and P, but I think you can figure out who I am talking about. If you find any grammatical errors just fix it in your mind so it sounds right.