Friday’s Letters


I linked up with Ashley over at for Friday’s Letters. Enjoy my Friday’s Letters.

Dear S, It has been a trying week with you and sleeping in your own bed.  You refused to even sleep on my floor this week and only want to sleep in bed with me.  Since B (Dada) is off until after Christmas I am having him take the night shift and if you wake up Dad gets to deal with you.

Dear B, Do you have your work cut out for you?  There are so many of S’s presents that need to be put together.  I love to put the stickers on toys, but when it comes to assembling them, I pass.  I just hope the drums come preassembled.

Dear Snow, Why are you teasing us this year?  We get all this snow in the past week and now we have rain coming today to melt all of the snow.  What ever happened to a White Christmas?

Dear Christmas Presents, S and I finally got you all finished yesterday after playing outside.  Now I only have S’s left.  It makes it easy since we don’t wrap most of his they go in his Christmas boxes.  (It’s a great way to reduce waste and we each have our own themed Christmas boxes that we use every year.  All the presents S gets from Mommy and Daddy go in boxes unless they are too big then we do wrap those few.

Dear Target, Sorry I didn’t make it to you last night.  I know I ran to Kohl’s last night after S went to bed and I had every intention of going to you after but just felt like going home.  There wasn’t anything I needed and only planned to go and scout out the Christmas stuff that will eventually go 90%.  I may run on Monday before my dentist appointment to visit you one more time before Christmas.

Dear Elf (Chippy),  Only a few more days to go.  Keep up the good work!



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Disclaimer: I have never claimed to be any great writer. So any mistakes that are made are my fault. Sometimes I mix up names B, S, and P, but I think you can figure out who I am talking about. If you find any grammatical errors just fix it in your mind so it sounds right.