Foto (Photo) Friday is a show and tell of pics from the past week. Ugh! I don’t know how to get back into the groove of posting every day like I used to and to do more reviews. I am going to keep trying my best to do the daily posts and then some with the start of the new year. Before I can start that I have to do a quick recap of what we have been doing. The Christmas season has just flown by and with that so has the time. Here is what we did the month of November. I will do a separate recap for December and Christmas.
- P had to decorate Turkey Tom for school. She decided to make the turkey look like Elsa. She loved how it turned out. Me I don’t really care for it. The gaudier for P the better.

- P found this mermaid top my sister made for my niece and asked if she could wear it with her mermaid tail. Totally, why not. She loved every minute of it.
- P and I started shopping at Dollar General for the penny items. Every Tuesday they mark products down to a penny to pull from the inventory. If you can find them before the employees pull them you can buy them for $.01. Some of the Dollar General’s around me are good and pull the products the day before, while some are not so good and you can really find a ton of stuff. The first penny find we got were packs of bows.
- P got her nails painted for the first time. I have not let her get her nails painted yet because she still puts her fingers in her mouth when she throws fits. I finally gave in. She loves having her nails painted and we have been doing it on a weekly basis.
- P went to storytime at the library in November and got to meet Mary Poppins. She doesn’t really know who Mary Poppins is and cannot even sit through half the movie before she is bored.
- I asked B to make me this display for our Christmas village. The display I showed him was on the floor and it like 6 ft. tall. I just wanted one that sits on the side table. I wasn’t sure how the kids or cat were going to be with the small pieces so we did not decorate the display this year and just wanted to test it out. The kids and cat both did great and not one piece was broken this year. There is not much room to add any other pieces to the display. I can see when the kids get older that B and I could make this our official Christmas tree and just add a few tiers to the bottom.
- P and S both loved the Santa hat and candy cane antlers we have for the dogs. They each put on their Santa hats and took pictures with them. While PJ will do anything and just gives you that dog look of, Really? Dinky wants to run like crazy and get away from the antlers and the kids.
- P was so excited to decorate the Christmas tree this year. We did it a week later than last year, so the weekend before Thanksgiving. We don’t put much on the tree and haven’t since we had kids. My Santa pigs, jingle bells, paper ornaments, and the kids homemade ornaments are all that goes on the tree.
- I got this felt Christmas tree last year for P and I to decorate this year. She kept getting annoyed that the pieces were falling off the tree and then the next morning the entire tree fell off the door. She said just pitch it, it’s not worth it. I’m glad I only paid $1 for it and not $10 at the full price amount.
- P got to decorate her bedroom. She decided to put gems on her tree. She loved that she had pink, red, blue and clear gemstones to hang on the tree. I also hung a banner behind the tree and she has a truck advent calendar that she is standing in front of.
- We went and saw Santa at Bass Pro before Thanksgiving. I like to beat the crowd and go early in the season. Both of the kiddos had no issues telling Santa what they wanted this year.
- We have been taking pictures with this snowman since S was little.
- P was so happy to show me the list she wrote herself to send to Santa.
- I took the kids to see Frozen 2. P was so excited to see it. She couldn’t find comfy pants to wear so she ended up wearing pajama pants. It was also a super windy day. When we went outside it felt like the wind could easily blow us away.
- We went to the Maumee Lights Parade to end the month. Thankfully, our neighbor Tee Tee saved enough room for us to sit with them. You cannot see P in the group picture because she couldn’t stop moving to any music she heard