Foto Friday

Foto (Photo) Friday is a show and tell of pics from the past week.  Not much has gone on this week.  We have all been under the weather.

  • This was definitely the week of P being sick.  I knew she had a nasty cough and a temperature that would come and go.  Something was going on I just didn’t know what.  I was guessing walking pneumonia and I was right.  Her pulse/ox reading was 88% at its lowest in the doctor’s office.  They got it back to 90% before we left.  Anything below 90% and they told us we would have to go to the ER when we left the office.  They do not like to let kids leave the office to go home unless it is above 94%.  Since she got back to 92% they let us go as long as I got an x-ray right away.
  • P was great getting her x-ray.  If the x-ray came back okay we could stay home and come back on Tuesday for a recheck.  If it was bad we would have to go to the ER.  By the time we got home we already had the results and she was okay to stay home.  Tuesday when I took her back her pulse/ox was at 95%.  It meant she was getting more oxygen but still sounded just as bad.  I took S with us and he too was diagnosed with walking pneumonia.  Not nearly as bad as P’s but bad enough that he is also on antibiotics.

  • These two wrestle on a daily basis.  B and I love to watch them.  You think Dinky is the instigator and she very well could be but Dash comes back for more on her own.  I have never seen Dinky pin Dash down no matter how hard she tries, but Dash can always pin Dinky.  This is truly something they do everyday usually more than once.  It can last anywhere from 3 minutes to 15 minutes.  If we try to break it up they will just move to another room and continue there little games.  If you look PJ is in the background and could care less what these two do.
  • When we rearranged the living room for the Christmas tree B put this dog bed in the corner.  It is really more for Dash or Dinky but PJ tries to curl in it.  As you can see she doesn’t quite fit and most of the time her backend usually ends up falling out of the bed.

  • P got a new hat for Christmas and loves it.  She put it on and asked me to take a picture of her wearing it.
  • P was sitting in the corner in her chair.  To be comfortable enough to watch her tablet she had to push it back and balance it against the wall.  That was the only way she said it was comfortable.  I cannot wait for December 1st.  I have told both of these guys they lose YouTube for the entire month.  There is enough going on for Christmas I think they can find other things to watch other than YouTube.  They can use their tablets only to play games or to learn.  We shall see how this goes.

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Disclaimer: I have never claimed to be any great writer. So any mistakes that are made are my fault. Sometimes I mix up names B, S, and P, but I think you can figure out who I am talking about. If you find any grammatical errors just fix it in your mind so it sounds right.