Foto (Photo) Friday is when I do a show and tell of pics from the past week.
- Sunday I put pigtails in P’s hair again. She was fine with them and for quite a while until she touched one. Then she wanted them out. Not sure if she knew what they were or just felt something in her hair and did not like it.
- You can see the pigtails are missing later. S is busy helping P go around the island on her little scooter. She is not as much of a rider as S was or is, but I am hoping to change that.
- I know, I know, yes P is wearing her Thanksgiving dress. I love it and think it is just adorable so I put a pair of leggings underneath it and she wears it. It only has a little turkey on the pocket otherwise it is just a brown dress with white polka dots. She likes her Cutie Cabbage Patch Doll she got for V-day from us.
- More playing soccer in the garage while we wait for the bus to come everyday. They both love to kick the ball and make goals.
- Making cupcakes for the first time just the two of us. She is now big enough to stand on the stool and can see what is going on. P was all about watching and helping with everything.
- P likes to stand in the corner and beg for food. If she wants something (anything) she will stand in that corner and try to make us guess. Sometimes she wants a fruity bar, banana, Goldfish, bottle, or something we have to try and figure out. If only she would start to talk, even if just a little.
Toe Fuzz!!!
- P is obsessed with taking her socks off and checking for toe fuzz. She will inspect between each toe and get every little piece of sock fuzz out. She makes the best faces when she finds some. Of course, she has to check it out and show you. She has a bunch of new socks so we have had a ton of toe fuzz lately.