Foto (Photo) Friday is my show and tell of pics from the past week. I literally took no pictures this past week. I had to scrape to find these and I am sure when B sees the picture of himself he is not going to be happy.
- P is crazy. Yes she really is trying to do a somersault on her own. She is always trying different tumbling moves. Most of the time she is unsuccessful, but once in a while she does something.
- This is what it looks like when S gets home from school. They just chill for a while. Most of the time when S gets home he just wants to relax for a few minutes. P usually hangs out with him because she has just woken up from her nap and needs time to wake up.
- I made B try on the RR crossing hat to make sure the sign sits on it correctly. Yup, that is him wearing a child size baseball hat. I don’t fit in adult hats because they are too small for my head and he doesn’t fit in adult hats because they are too big for him. Crazy, right?