Disclaimer: I received this product for free or highly discounted in exchange for an honest review. All thoughts and opinions expressed are mine.
I was talking to my friend today about how the diaper bags we first registered for when we were pregnant were not the diaper bags we would register for now. After having two kids and realizing what you need and don’t really need to take with you it puts into perspective what I should have been looking for in a diaper bag.
The CiPU Perfect To Go Diaper Bag seems to be everything I would look for in a diaper bag. The diaper bag is a neutral gray which would be great for either gender and for dad’s to carry around. The diaper bag comes with so many different components that I was amazed at how I could use this in so many different ways. The diaper bag had handles on it but also came with a strap that I could wear it cross body. Included is a strap cover to give more comfort to my shoulder when the large diaper bag is full and heavy. There is also a smaller diaper bag that I can use to go quick places or as the baby gets older and only needs a few items. This came with a smaller strap to use with it or I can put the smaller bag in the larger diaper bag and have it hold items I may need or a change of clothes for my older child. There is also a small bag which works great for a clutch that I can use to store my wallet and other essentials in that can be included in the diaper bag or used separately.
There were a few additional items included in the set. There is a matching changing pad that will fit in the large or small diaper bag easily. Stroller hooks are such a great extra that most don’t even think about. I did not have stroller hooks for my first child but got them for my second and love them. They easily attach to a stroller handle and can carry bags when I am out shopping or a diaper bag. I have even used the hook for my older child to hang on to when we cross the street or to stay close to me. There is also an adjustable buckle that can be used to hook on the diaper bag and attach my keys to so they are easy to find. I like the idea of using it to hook onto the stroller and attach baby toys. This would prevent the toys from dropping onto the ground or getting lost.
My cousin is having a baby and is currently stationed over in Germany so they did not have a traditional baby shower. She registered for items that she thought she would need but I noticed she never registered for a diaper bag. Because I had to ship this gift to Germany I wanted to ensure I packed this diaper bag with everything I was going to give her to show how much she could put in the diaper bag when she wanted to pack it to go places.
Here is a list of what I put in the diaper bag:
- Gray Changing Pad/blanket
- Silicone Necklace & Bracelet Set
- 12 Monthly Stickers
- 2-pack Swaddle Blankets
- Mamaway Baby Sling
- Grooming Kit in Travel Case
- 5-piece Laundry bags
- 8 Bandana Bibs
- 2 Stroller Hooks
- 11 Pacifier Clips
- Neil Med Naspira Nasal Aspirator (Not Pictured)
I got all of this in the diaper bag and my cousin was beyond ecstatic. She could not believe how much I packed in the diaper bag and was so happy with everything she got. Of course this isn’t what you would normally pack in a diaper bag together but I wanted to really show how much could fit in the diaper bag.
The CiPU Perfect To Go Diaper Bag is $158.80 on Amazon.com. Click here to order the CiPU Perfect To Go Diaper Bag. #CiPU
I was chosen to review the CiPU Perfect To Go Diaper Bag through Tomoson.com. Basically how it works is you select items you would like to review and if they chose you, the product is purchased through Amazon.com. If you have a Prime Account with Amazon shipping is free and a coupon code is provided from the company making the product free or highly discounted. In exchange they are looking for an honest review on their product.