Troubled Tuesday

Troubled Tuesday is basically my complaint day to complain about all the troubles I have, which could range from what is happening on TV shows to who knows what. I love that it stays lighter outside later, but hate having to adjust to the time change.  S asked me if we could change back the clocks at home  He didn’t … Continue Reading….

Troubled Tuesday

Troubled Tuesday is basically my complaint day to complain about all the troubles I have, which could range from what is happening on TV shows to who knows what. B told me yesterday that he can no longer click on pictures on the blog because the Pinterest icon pops up and won’t allow you.  So I spent over two hours … Continue Reading….

Troubled Tuesday

Troubled Tuesday is basically my complaint day to complain about all the troubles I have, which could range from what is happening on TV shows to who knows what. I think it is official.  I can no longer review items on Amazon.  It totally sucks.  The response I have gotten back twice now and Amazon says, “We have determined that … Continue Reading….

Troubled Tuesday

Troubled Tuesday is basically my complaint day to complain about all the troubles I have, which could range from what is happening on TV shows to who knows what. I am amazed at bloggers who can review a ton of items in one day.  I know some preschedule reviews but there is no way they preschedule all of them.  Some … Continue Reading….

Troubled Tuesday

Troubled Tuesday is basically my complaint day to complain about all the troubles I have, which could range from what is happening on TV shows to who knows what. I started watching another series, Game of Thrones.  I am on like the 7th episode.  It is okay, but I am not totally in to it like I have been with … Continue Reading….

Troubled Tuesday

Troubled Tuesday is basically my complaint day to complain about all the troubles I have, which could range from what is happening on TV shows to who knows what. I have done it again.  I found a new TV show to watch and totally love it.  I discovered Reign. It is a CW show.  It is about Mary Queen of … Continue Reading….

Troubled Tuesday

Troubled Tuesday is basically my complaint day to complain about all the troubles I have, which could range from what is happening on TV shows to who knows what. Who knew that times changed daily at movie theaters?  I certainly didn’t.  We planned on going Sunday and it was going to be P’s first movie.  I guess we will have … Continue Reading….

Troubled Tuesday

Troubled Tuesday is basically my complaint day to complain about all the troubles I have, which could range from what is happening on TV shows to who knows what. I can’t believe I got sick last week.  Yes, I am tired of talking about it as much as you are of hearing it.  The last time I was sick was … Continue Reading….

Troubled Tuesday

Troubled Tuesday is basically my complaint day to complain about all the troubles I have, which could range from what is happening on TV shows to who knows what. Thanks Jen @ Ramblings of a Suburban Mom.  She was talking about Netflix Making a Murderer, so I checked it out and basically watched almost all 10 episodes in one day.  … Continue Reading….

Troubled Tuesday

Troubled Tuesday is basically my complaint day to complain about all the troubles I have, which could range from what is happening on TV shows to who knows what. Somehow the main clock in our living room got the time changed on it.  It reads an hour earlier than what it really is so here I thought it was 12:30am, … Continue Reading….

Disclaimer: I have never claimed to be any great writer. So any mistakes that are made are my fault. Sometimes I mix up names B, S, and P, but I think you can figure out who I am talking about. If you find any grammatical errors just fix it in your mind so it sounds right.