Manic Monday

Manic Mondays are when I let you know what plans I have for the week. Some weeks I may be very busy where other weeks there may not be any plans. Since I now have two little ones to take care of I am going to post weekly goals for myself to try to hold myself accountable. I have also … Continue Reading….

Foto Friday-Power Wheels Demolition Derby

Foto (Photo) Friday is a show and tell of pics from the past week.  I am solely devoting this to last night.  S had a blast participating in the demolition derby and we had a blast watching it.   When we got to the fairgrounds, S saw a Grave Digger Power Wheels.  The first thing he said was I am … Continue Reading….

Wild Wednesday

Since last Wednesday here is what has happened: I had three different things I was going to put down for this and now I can’t remember any of them. Somehow I hurt my chest. It feels like I had chest compressions done to me. It hurts when you touch my chest, when I bend over, when I pick up P, … Continue Reading….

Manic Monday

Manic Mondays are when I let you know what plans I have for the week. Some weeks I may be very busy where other weeks there may not be any plans. Since I now have two little ones to take care of I am going to post weekly goals for myself to try to hold myself accountable. I have also … Continue Reading….

Foto Friday

Foto (Photo) Friday is my show and tell of pics from the past week. P climbed on her little walk/ride-on puppy and started screaming at S and me.  When we finally figured it out, she was yelling at us to push her around on the puppy.  After I did my fair share, S took over for me. S wanted to swim … Continue Reading….

Thursday Treats

Thursday Treats is all about the best things I have had happen in the past week as far as good things, good foods, awesome finds at stores, great TV shows, etc. I fell asleep last night attempting to write this and slept from 9:30pm to 8am. I did get up to go to bed, and give P a bottle around … Continue Reading….

Manic Monday

Manic Mondays are when I let you know what plans I have for the week. Some weeks I may be very busy where other weeks there may not be any plans. Since I now have two little ones to take care of I am going to post weekly goals for myself to try to hold myself accountable. I have also … Continue Reading….

Foto Friday

Foto (Photo) Friday is a show and tell of pics from the past week. We were getting ready to go to F’s birthday party and P had on her party dress.  She was ready to go and climbed in her chair to wait until it was time. S had so much fun playing at the party that every picture I … Continue Reading….

Manic Monday

Manic Mondays are when I let you know what plans I have for the week. Some weeks I may be very busy where other weeks there may not be any plans. Since I now have two little ones to take care of I am going to post weekly goals for myself to try to hold myself accountable. I have also … Continue Reading….

Cutielunch Reusable Food Pouches Review

Disclaimer: I received this product for free or highly discounted in exchange for an honest review. All thoughts and opinions expressed are mine. I love to make all my own baby food for my P. I did it for my son and continued to do it and turned it into smoothies. Now that P is getting older I have started … Continue Reading….

Disclaimer: I have never claimed to be any great writer. So any mistakes that are made are my fault. Sometimes I mix up names B, S, and P, but I think you can figure out who I am talking about. If you find any grammatical errors just fix it in your mind so it sounds right.