Target Clearance Finds

I went to Target last Thursday and took my sweet time walking around not expecting to find much and to my surprise getting quite a bit.  I spent $72.85 and was able to get all of this stuff. I got a real Razor scooter for S, I am thinking for next Christmas from Santa.  I think once he is five … Continue Reading….

Friday’s Letters

I linked up with Ashley over at for Friday’s Letters. Enjoy my Friday’s Letters. Dear S, It has been a crazy week with you and I am not sure why.  All of a sudden you do not want to pick up your toys and have decided that you would rather throw a fit then pick up toys.  I do … Continue Reading….

Wild Wednesday

  Wild Wednesday is about all the crazy or unbelievable things that have happened in the last week to me, in the news, pop culture, etc. Since last Wednesday here is what has happened: I was so tired last night I fell asleep at 8pm and only woke up to tell S good night, read him a story and put … Continue Reading….

Target Clearance Finds

So I had decided I was not going to go and check the toy clearance on Thursday since I went on Wednesday and did not see anything that I really wanted.  However, I was checking out post on Facebook and saw someone got a VW Beetle 6V car for only $54, and asked B if he wanted one for the … Continue Reading….

Friday Letters

I linked up with Ashley over at for Friday’s Letters. Enjoy my Friday’s Letters. Dear S, I cannot believe all of the new food you have been trying lately.  At this rate it looks like we will be going to Chuckie Cheese next week.  I cannot believe how many new foods you have tried.  I think your next incentive … Continue Reading….

Troubled Tuesday

Troubled Tuesdays is basically my complaint day to complain about all of the troubles I have, which could range from what is happening on TV shows to who knows what. So B stained some trim for the kids room’s on Sunday.  They were some strong fumes and I had terrible headaches all Sunday night into Monday morning.  The smell was … Continue Reading….

Friday’s Letters

I linked up with Ashley over at for Friday’s Letters. Enjoy my Friday’s Letters. Dear S, Why is it when you take a nap, you never want to fall asleep at night?  It’s funny because last night you were so tired, but for some reason could not fall asleep.  Maybe you were just nervous about your doctor appointment today?  … Continue Reading….

Friday’s Letters

I linked up with Ashley over at for Friday’s Letters. Enjoy my Friday’s Letters. Dear S, I know how much you want to go and play in the snow more, but I am not sure it is going to happen.  As long as the rain holds off you should be able to get out there today when we get … Continue Reading….

Pregnancy Update-20 Weeks

I thought I would do an update of where I am at 20 weeks pregnant.  I don’t think I will do a weekly update of this, but every 4 weeks until we are closer to the end.  I did a comparison of what I looked like when I was pregnant with S and when I am pregnant now.  I would … Continue Reading….

The Big News!!!

So I said there would be big news and sure enough I have some. I had this shirt made and B and I decided this is how we were going to tell everyone we were expecting.  S wore this shirt to my mom’s house on Christmas Eve and told my side of the family.  Later in the evening, we went … Continue Reading….

Disclaimer: I have never claimed to be any great writer. So any mistakes that are made are my fault. Sometimes I mix up names B, S, and P, but I think you can figure out who I am talking about. If you find any grammatical errors just fix it in your mind so it sounds right.