Baltic Amber Teething Necklace for Babies Review

Disclaimer: I received this product for free or highly discounted in exchange for an honest review. All thoughts and opinions expressed are mine.


I was selected to try the Baltic Amber Teething Necklace and was excited to use it on P. S never had a problem when it came to teething. I rarely ever knew he got a tooth unless I stuck my finger in his mouth and checked. With P I can always tell when she is getting a new tooth. She is constantly drooling, chewing on her fingers and toys, gets a diaper rash and sometimes will run a fever. Since the normal avenues of relief (Tylenol, teething toys, and gum numbing medicine) provide little relief I was willing to try something new. I had not heard of the Amber teething necklaces but liked what I read.


The benefits of an Amber Teething Necklace are:

  • Noticeable soothing, calming effects after a few hours of wearing it and much more after a few days of use.
  • Natural Teething remedy without secondary effects as normal pharmaceutics drugs used for teething healing.
  • Recover full energy, fussiness and avoid fever from teething.
  • Babies and toddlers look adorable wearing it while helping them with their teething problems.
  • Highest standard quality used for making amber jewelry.
  • Safety knotted and easy to use.


Some of the warnings about the Amber Teething Necklace are:

  • Always supervise an infant when wearing the necklace.
  • Remove the necklace when the infant is unattended, even if only for a short period.
  • Remove necklace while the infant sleeps at day or night.
  • Do not allow the infant to mouth or chew the necklace.


Now I am totally confused. I thought this necklace was a teething necklace. I envision P being able to put the necklace in her mouth and gnaw on the beads. Now it says they can’t go in their mouths? How is this going to help relieve the teething pains?


Well I read on more about the necklace and it said this. The Amber Teething Necklace is the perfect alternative medicine for babies and toddlers on the teething process. The Baltic Amber Natural is an immune system boost, anti-inflammatory and analgesic capabilities. By the time the baby or toddler start using the necklace you will start noticing the differences in their behavior and mood thanks to the effectiveness of the succinic acid contained naturally in the amber and without suffering the secondary effects behind synthetic medicine like teething tables or scrapings left by the teething toys on their mouth.


Well P just got all her one year molars and I thought we were going to get a break from teething but I was wrong her incisors have started to come in. She currently has one but I can see another about to break through. She is chewing on her fingers like crazy. I put the necklace on her yesterday. She was not a happy camper with it. She kept pulling on it and fussing but eventually gave up and just left it there. I did catch her a few times chewing on it. When I took the necklace off for her afternoon nap I noticed a rash on her chest where the necklace had been touching. I am not sure if this is a side effect of her teething or the necklace. I am going to have her wear the necklace today and see if it gets any worse. Overall, I haven’t really noticed a difference in her demeanor. She doesn’t seem to mind it so I am going to give it a try for a week or so and see if B notices a difference. Since I know what the necklace does I don’t think I will be impartial.


The Baltic Amber Teething Necklace for babies is only $16.99 on  Click here to order your Baltic Amber Teething Necklace for babies. #balticamber

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I was chosen to review the Baltic Amber Teething Necklace for babies through Basically how it works is you select items you would like to review and if they chose you, the product is purchased through If you have a Prime Account with Amazon shipping is free and a coupon code is provided from the company making the product free or highly discounted. In exchange they are looking for an honest review on their product.

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Disclaimer: I have never claimed to be any great writer. So any mistakes that are made are my fault. Sometimes I mix up names B, S, and P, but I think you can figure out who I am talking about. If you find any grammatical errors just fix it in your mind so it sounds right.