BabyFirstTV Harry the Bunny Plush Toy Review

Disclaimer:  I received this product for free or highly discounted in exchange for an honest review.  All thoughts and opinions expressed are mine.


I have no idea why but S and P have such different taste in toys.  We have not done anything differently when it comes to exposing P to different toys compared to what S played with.  In fact, P really doesn’t have any new toys.  99% of the toys she has are from when S was that age.  For some reason she gravitates toward the toys that S never played with.

It always seems that boys want to play with the trucks, trains, and things that make noise.  Girls they want to play with the stuffed animals, babies, and kitchen items.  Even though they have been exposed to the exact same things P has slowly but surely moved toward the more girly items.  She loves to carry around plush toys with her.  You can almost always find her playing with her play kitchen and food.  She is always pretending to eat the food.  If she is not doing one of those things she is usually trying to put on someone’s shoes.


I don’t know how she goes toward the more girly stuff but she does.  I was opening some packages from Amazon and Harry the Bunny just happened to be one of the items that I got.    When I saw how cute it was I thought about hanging on to it until Easter and putting it in her basket.  That thought lasted a whole ten seconds before she made a beeline for the box and pulled Harry the Bunny right out.  The first thing she did was give that stuffed animal the biggest squeeze ever.  She continued to carry the bunny around the rest of the night.


Harry the Bunny has been a part of our lives now for a few weeks.  I put him away nightly, but he usually makes an appearance a few times a week.  One day I was flipping through the channels and came across the show on BabyFirstTV that had Harry the Bunny on the show.  I left it on to see if P would happen to notice and nothing.  A few minutes later Harry made an appearance in the living room and P was sitting in her chair with the bunny watching the show.


I probably never would have even stopped on this show or even thought twice about watching it if I hadn’t been sent this bunny.   Now that we have Harry the Bunny our family has come to know and watch the show more often.  It’s crazy to think that getting a stuff animal in the mail would really work to get us to start watching a new TV show, but it did.


The BabyFirstTV Harry the Bunny Plush Toy is only $15.48 on  Click here to order the BabyFirstTV Harry the Bunny Plush Toy.  #HarryTheBunnyBabyFirstTV


I was chosen to review BabyFirstTV Harry the Bunny Plush Toy through  Basically how it works is you select items you would like to review and if they chose you, the product is purchased through  If you have a Prime Account with Amazon shipping is free and a coupon code is provided from the company making the product free or highly discounted.  In exchange they are looking for an honest review on their product.

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Disclaimer: I have never claimed to be any great writer. So any mistakes that are made are my fault. Sometimes I mix up names B, S, and P, but I think you can figure out who I am talking about. If you find any grammatical errors just fix it in your mind so it sounds right.