Troubled Tuesdays is basically my complaint day to complain about all of the troubles I have, which could range from what is happening on TV shows to who knows what.
- Yup, our TV in our living room is definitely dying. We have trouble shooted to make sure it wasn’t the cable, then the DVR box, and now we are sure it is the TV. Good thing B had the foresight to buy a new TV for the living room back on Black Friday. Now we just have to set it up.
- S and I were going to paint window catchers for an Easter craft. I bought them last year after Easter in the Target 90% clearance. When we opened the paint it had all completely dried out. No making window catchers for us. B did pick up another kit when he went grocery shopping that night and we were able to paint some yesterday.
- We put the box spring back on our bed Sunday night and I now have to use a stool to climb up on the bed and basically slide off the bed to get down. We put the box spring back on in hopes it would make it easier for B to sleep. Still doing a test run.
- I am one of those pet owners who finally caved and put a bark collar on their dog. PJ is crazy barking and it drives me nuts. Basically she will bark at almost everything from sunup to sundown. We got the collar from Amazon in the mail yesterday. When we put it on PJ, go figure she didn’t bark for two hours. When she finally let a little growl out I figured she got a little zap and that was it. Nope apparently it needed to be a full fledge bark for the collar to do anything. She got one zap and never made a peep the rest of the day. Guess we will see on day 2 goes.

PetSafe Basic Bark Collar
- I put on my St. Patty’s tee yesterday and it was definitely too small to be wearing with a belly. I had to give it up and dig out one of B’s shirt.
- This pain from the baby is driving me nuts. It hurts if I walk, sit, or stand. The only relief I seem to get is if I lay in bed on my left side. The couch is just not soft enough. How am I supposed to get anything done lying down in bed?
- I spent a ton of money on a pregnancy pillow and it does nothing for me. I read all the reviews and thought this would really work to help me sleep better. Not so much I am better off with three pillows surrounding me than one pregnancy pillow. I was always bummed I did not get one for my first pregnancy and now I am bummed I wasted the money on this for my second pregnancy.

Leachco Back ‘n Belly Contoured Body Pillow
Please define ‘we’ in trouble shooting the tv issue. Also, how can a tv go bad when you are saving so much money at Target? I would also like to meet “B” someday…he sounds like a hunk.
The “We” in trouble shooting was B and me. We installed the new TV and it was definitely our old TV. There are plenty of pictures of B on the blog if you want to check out what he looks like!