Troubled Tuesdays is basically my complaint day to complain about all of the troubles I have, which could range from what is happening on TV shows to who knows what.
- Yesterday the weather was so nice (a little windy), that after S and I ran our errands we played outside for a while. I got a kite out for S to try. He has been begging to fly a kite and the weather has not been good for it. So today we flew a kite and S did awesome. After B got home later we took the kite back out to show him how S was flying the kite and the wind got the better of us. A gust came and the handle with the string got pulled from S’s hand and the kite got stuck in a tree. We were unable to save the kite. S was bummed and we just told him we have more and can get another one out another day.
- S was playing outside yesterday and of course fell and skinned his knee through his pants. The skin injuries have already begun and we are still bundled up.
- I must get up now 3 or 4 times a night to go to the bathroom and it never ceases to amaze me that B will have his legs in my spot. How is that possible that he can do that in a matter of a few minutes, not one time but almost every time I get up.
- I wanted brownies again this week, so S and I made a batch and I ended up eating half of the batch raw. To make matters worse I ate a ton of them the next day and could make some more right now and eat it. I guess you could say I have been craving brownies raw or cooked.
- S and I worked on cleaning up the computer room Sunday and we made some really great progress only to open another can of worms and see how much really still needs to be done in there. Once I get the room organized then I have to organize and put all my scrapbook stuff away.
- I need to go through all the freebies I have received and really organize them with stuff to giveaway, stuff to keep, or stuff to give my sisters/nieces. I really need to get this done before the baby comes, because there will definitely not be any time for it after.
- Last night I got to see my first pre-season Tigers game. I have been scanning all the stations to find them and have had no luck. It is going to take some time to get used to the new team and coach. I totally forgot Leyland was not going to be there and was like who is this new manager?
Brad Ausmus
What is troubling you?