Troubled Tuesday is basically my complaint day to complain about all the troubles I have, which could range from what is happening on TV shows to who knows what.
- B and I got some old board games out to play with S. It works for his math time he has to do every night. I can’t believe I have to badger and beg him to play a board game with me. He whines because he wants to play on his tablet or gaming system.
- Mancala
- Mille Bornes
- Skip-Bo
- Triominos
- S had Reconciliation today. I made sure to have him wear pants that did not have holes in the knees. Of course, on the way out of church he tripped and fell causing a huge hole in his pants. These pants are now officially retired to baseball and soccer practice pants only.
- Dinky got groomed on Friday. She smelled like Fritos again by Saturday morning. I feel like she really only smells like that when she is excited or nervous. It comes and goes. Weird?
- P started running the Roomba because she thinks it is fun to dance/play chase with it. Somehow that little bugger always ends up stuck in a corner or behind the rocking chair. I move it and it goes right back to that spot again and again.
What is troubling you?