Manic Monday

Manic Mondays are when I let you know what plans I have for the week.  Some weeks I may be very busy where other weeks there may not be any plans. I have also decided to do a quick recap of what we actually did versus what I thought we were going to do. This Week Monday-P has school in … Continue Reading….

Shhh! It’s Sunday

I want to tell you what we are doing right at the moment that I take the picture, whether it is at 1am or 1pm on Sunday.  Just a quick snapshot into a day in our lives. Currently…. It is 4:32pm S is outside riding his motorbike and 4-wheeler.  (Don’t worry they are both electric so they can’t go that … Continue Reading….

Foto Friday

Foto (Photo) Friday is a show and tell of pics from the past week.  It is a day late, but really I didn’t take that many pictures this week. P had Dad’s night at school last Wednesday.  They did some things ahead of time and this “All About Dad” was one of them.  Some of the things she said about … Continue Reading….

Halloween LED Balloons Review

Disclaimer:  I received this product for free or highly discounted in exchange for an honest review.  All thoughts and opinions expressed are mine. I love decorating for Halloween.  To try different types of decorations is fun for us.  This year we are going to try LED balloons and see how they turn out.  I love the four designs but by … Continue Reading….

Marppy Binoculars for Kids Review

Disclaimer:  I received this product for free or highly discounted in exchange for an honest review.  All thoughts and opinions expressed are mine. S is showing an interest in birds and identifying what type they are.  B got him a book of birds native to Ohio and I thought these binoculars would be a good touch when we give him … Continue Reading….

Troubled Tuesday

Troubled Tuesday is basically my complaint day to complain about all the troubles I have, which could range from what is happening on TV shows to who knows what. Watching Little A all week really threw me for a loop and I was in bed early every night. I seriously slacked on the posts last week.  Now that we are … Continue Reading….

Manic Monday

Manic Mondays are when I let you know what plans I have for the week.  Some weeks I may be very busy where other weeks there may not be any plans. I have also decided to do a quick recap of what we actually did versus what I thought we were going to do. This Week Monday-P has school in … Continue Reading….

Shhh! It’s Sunday

I want to tell you what we are doing right at the moment that I take the picture, whether it is at 1am or 1pm on Sunday.  Just a quick snapshot into a day in our lives. Currently…. It is 11:14am S is building his scary gingerbread house at the neighbors.  Her mom wanted to do this with her grandkids … Continue Reading….

Manic Monday

Manic Mondays are when I let you know what plans I have for the week.  Some weeks I may be very busy where other weeks there may not be any plans. I have also decided to do a quick recap of what we actually did versus what I thought we were going to do. This Week Monday-I have Little A … Continue Reading….

Foto Friday

Foto (Photo) Friday is a show and tell of pics from the past week.  It was quite a week.  I thought it was going to be busy but then weather intervened and things got cancelled. P was excited to go play her game last weekend.  She had just gotten done seeing Tinkerbell and was excited to try and score a … Continue Reading….

Disclaimer: I have never claimed to be any great writer. So any mistakes that are made are my fault. Sometimes I mix up names B, S, and P, but I think you can figure out who I am talking about. If you find any grammatical errors just fix it in your mind so it sounds right.