Troubled Tuesday

Troubled Tuesday is basically my complaint day to complain about all the troubles I have, which could range from what is happening on TV shows to who knows what. I am writing this a day late.  I was exhausted Monday night, and last night got home late. Yesterday we went to Toys R Us hoping that the big “liquidation” had … Continue Reading….

Troubled Tuesday

Troubled Tuesday is basically my complaint day to complain about all the troubles I have, which could range from what is happening on TV shows to who knows what. This weather is so mean. Although it is sunny and looks warm out.  It isn’t.  It was cold when I went for a walk yesterday.  I mean so cold I had … Continue Reading….

Manic Monday

Manic Mondays are when I let you know what plans I have for the week.  Some weeks I may be very busy where other weeks there may not be any plans. I have also decided to do a quick recap of what we actually did versus what I thought we were going to do. This Week Monday-Nothing happening, just hanging … Continue Reading….

Foto Friday

Foto (Photo) Friday is a show and tell of pics from the past week.  This week we got a taste of spring.  Then yesterday we were reminded it is still winter with cold weather and snow. P loves her little cousin “Little P.”  Little P was not too happy when her mom walked away, but P tried her best and … Continue Reading….

Wild Wednesday

Wild Wednesday is about all the crazy or unbelievable things that have happened in the last week to me, in the news, pop culture, etc. Since last Wednesday here is what has happened: I think we are actually going to try to decorate outside today for Easter. It is just shy of a month away, so why not?  P is … Continue Reading….

Thursday Treats

Thursday Treats is all about the best things I have had happen in the past week as far as good things, good foods, awesome finds at stores, great TV shows, etc. I got all the laundry finished yesterday.  Now I just need to fold it…… soon as B brings it upstairs. I have gotten a few items checked off my … Continue Reading….

Manic Monday

Manic Mondays are when I let you know what plans I have for the week.  Some weeks I may be very busy where other weeks there may not be any plans.  Since I now have two little ones to take care of I am going to post weekly goals for myself to try to hold myself accountable.  I have also … Continue Reading….

Thursday Treats

Thursday Treats is all about the best things I have had happen in the past week as far as good things, good foods, awesome finds at stores, great TV shows, etc. So I totally like country music if you didn’t know that.  Not sure I every talked about it.  Anyways there are a ton of concerts coming up this year.  … Continue Reading….

Troubled Tuesday

Troubled Tuesday is basically my complaint day to complain about all the troubles I have, which could range from what is happening on TV shows to who knows what. I was trying to leave a review on Amazon and attach a picture with it and I couldn’t do it.  I have no idea why it would not let me attach … Continue Reading….

Foto Friday

Foto (Photo) Friday is a show and tell of pics from the past week.  I missed a few posts this week but I am going to do my best to not miss anymore. P was so excited to go to her open house for preschool next year.  We got to meet her teachers and she is going to have one … Continue Reading….

Disclaimer: I have never claimed to be any great writer. So any mistakes that are made are my fault. Sometimes I mix up names B, S, and P, but I think you can figure out who I am talking about. If you find any grammatical errors just fix it in your mind so it sounds right.